

0-day streak
Here’s my 100 days shopping list! :saluting_face: I couldn’t find sticky notes 😭
Woohoo! After some long-time procrastination, the #ship time has finally arrived! 🚢 Back in 2021, when I joined Hack Club :hack-club:, I had an idea—to create a website featuring the contents of my old iPod. However, that initial attempt didn't quite work out because I lost access to the files. But, guess what? Years later, I successfully managed to recover those old files, safely stored on an ancient hard drive, and now I'm giving it another shot! But this time, instead of making a simple static site, I used Vite.js :vite: to build github.com/jzaleta/stuff-warehouse! Give it a ⭐ on :github: if you like it! :salute:
Wahoo! Today I learned how to use :vite: and I moved my github.com/jzaleta/night-skies project to use it! It was very fun to implement ES modules and to find janky :jankman: ways to add P5.js to it. :peefest: You can check the result site at night-skies.vercel.app like last time and star it ⭐ on GitHub if you want :) I still need to find a way to properly add meta tags so my index.html isn't very big but anyways this was nice to hack on.
I’m finally on Bluesky, it’s been nice so far.
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Mini #movie-nights! 🪐
I finally finished my confetti thing for #angelhacks-site! :angelhacks: github.com/hackclub/angelhacks3/pull/8 :pr: This is my first time working with Next.js :nextjs: and I wanted to see if I could code something with it without reading any docs! *How?* • Well, first I had an error, I couldn't start the dev environment! :pensive-wobble: To fix this I (somehow) installed next globally and that allowed my package.json :npm: to run next build • After that, I wrote the confetti code and implement it on a React :react: component but I also don't know any react so it didn't work :eggsdee: • So I added the confetti code into the already existing PhotoGallery component! :yay: Everything looked good, but then I got this error: ReferenceError: document is not defined :errors: • To fix that, I run my code client side after watching a small tutorial and it ended up like this:
import Masonry from 'react-masonry-css'
import styles from './PhotoGallery.module.scss'
import { Nunito } from 'next/font/google'
import { useEffect } from 'react'

const nunito = Nunito({
  weight: ['400', '800'],
  subsets: ['latin']

export function Button({ children, fontSize = '7rem', ...props }) {
  const handleClick = () => {
    import('js-confetti').then(({ default: Confetti }) => {
      const confetti = new Confetti()
        emojis: ['🎮', '👾', '🕹️', '💻', '📸', '🎧', '🎨', '🪽']

  return (
    <button className={styles.button} onClick={handleClick} {...props}>
      <span className={styles.shadow} />
      <span className={styles.edge} />
        style={{ fontSize }}
        className={`${styles.front} ${nunito.className}`}>

function Image({ src, text }) {
  return (
    <div className={styles.photo}>
      <img src={src} width="auto" />

export default function PhotoGallery() {
  useEffect(() => {}, [])
  return (
    <div className={styles.photoGallery}>
      <div className={styles.photos}>
This was very fun to work with, and definitely I need to properly learn Next.js on the future. :salute:
Trying to work on Next.js without reading any docs before be like:
Wahoo! During this days I made a new repo for my GitHub :github: readme and deployed a website with it using Jekyll! javier.is-a.dev You can find the repo at my main profile: github.com/jzaleta/jzaleta :ultrafastparrot:
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I added new details to my README like an awesome banner :cooll-thumbs:
I added new details to my README like an awesome banner :cooll-thumbs:
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Yesterday I turned 19-years-old. 🍰 *And I decided to reboot my coding journey and start all over again with a better, more organized design, focused in building in public.* The plan is to become a full stack web developer so I'll start first with Next.js/React! :nextjs: :react:. Also I made another profile repo for my GitHub, changed my username and deployed it at a Jekyll website with Ruby! :ruby: :github: github.com/jzaleta/jzaleta jzaleta.github.io/jzaleta
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I started to work on a website inspired by www.dinosaurbbq.org! :dino-dance: The only thing I'm missing is the dancin dino! I'm going to do the animation with Procreate! :procreate:
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Today I implemented OG tags for the first time!
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*It’s a quiet night... the weather forecast says:* 🌌 Starry-sprinkled night skies with a chance of shooting stars and Lo-fi beats. You say to yourself, wait, that can’t be possible, right? Definitely possible! I present y'all my new ship: night-skies.vercel.app 🚢 :quad_parrot: Night skies github.com/j-cordz/night-skies is a small p5.js :js: website that includes a starry night sky and random shooting stars and some lo-fi beats! 🎵 Please give it a ⭐ on :github: if you like it! This was very fun to work on, and helped me to learn more about p5js.
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Testing my WWDC Swift app on my iPad! :swiftui:
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Second sprig game update! All the levels are completed! Now I need to make some tunes and music 🎼
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It’s time to start my Sprig game! :sprig-dino: First game update: I read the workshop and the docs on how to get started, designed the gameplay ideas and started to worked on the code! I have ready the player's moment! 🐸 Next thing I'll do is work on the energy system.
Another obligatory swift student developer challenge post!
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Reading fish shell docs again!
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#burrow! This is an awesome project! Maybe I'll learn Rust to help with it one day! :rust: I wasn't able to stay the full call but I'm definitely joining again next time. Also I read a bit on SineRider's code, I'll try to get back at working on the translations as soon as possible.
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:swift: :swiftui:
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I took this picture last week on the airport! ✈️
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Reading SwiftUI docs! :swiftui:
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Today I created my bookshelf.website account to share my book recs with people! I’ll probably try to find a way to self host something like this. Also I learned a bit more about SwiftUI so probably tomorrow I’ll be able to start putting together my app for the student challenge! :swiftui:
Learning how a SwiftUI :swiftui: app works!
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It’s finally spring break! Today I finished and #shipped my pfp app and also I’m going to be participating at the swift student challenge!
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My streak got reset yesterday! I’m going to take some time off Slack and stop posting things on here, been a bit busy with college so I haven’t been very active! I’ll be back on the future!
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Tomorrow I'll give a small talk at my anatomy class about the olfactory bulb! 🧠 I haven't shared a lot of updates recently but maybe I'll get some coding things done and my sprig game during the spring break in 2 weeks!
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gn! :music:
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Good night! :sleepy-dino:
I started to read the Sprig workshop to learn how to make games with it! :sprig-dino:
I should make a sprig game! Tomorrow I’ll start working on a game for sprig!
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I’m going to be using Excalidraw for a small video I’ll make for a class. There’s not a lot of coding progress on anything today, but finished all of my exams!
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Today I just did a lot of homework, so here's a picture of my scrapbook profile. :scrappy:
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I finished Project Hail Mary a long time ago but I forgot to mention it in here! 🛸 It was an amazing book, and I'll make sure to write a review of it soon.
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It’s been a while since the last time I was able to write some text on a scrapbook post! I almost finish my midterm exams so I’m going to have a bit more time to code and do other things, meanwhile here’s another tissue image.
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I almost finish my midterm exams! Today I also studied a bit of python. :python:
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I'm going to start taking BWSI Python course! :python: But first I need to find a way to install it, there's a lot of different ways
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Here’s a small text description after not adding them for a while on my Scrapbook. Today I had my third exam of the semester, reason why I’ve been very busy! But still I managed to made some progress to my pfp app, I edited the JavaScript file to add local images although I have to fix a few details in there.
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Yesterday I forgot to update my scrapbook post description, but my Homebrew :homebrew-mac: PR got merged and I've been trying to make a new function for my pfp app! Here's another tissue sample from the microscope. 🔬
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Today I made a PR :pr: to Homebrew :homebrew-mac: to update a few things in the Spanish version of the site! Let's see how it goes! :roo-yay:
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Today I started working on a PR for Homebrew! :homebrew-mac: It's going to take a while because GitHub is currently down and I can't open it, but probably tomorrow it will work. :roo-yay:
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Here's another microscopic image! This time is Kidney tissue. 🔬 :60fps-parrot:
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Here's an cerebellum histological cut! 🔬 I haven't code because of school but tomorrow I'll try to make something! :roo-yay:
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Today I updated the image file in the hackclub/global repo to use the main Assemble picture! Also I did the last commit to my Splatter Paint project and published my first github release, with this finished, I definitely need to start something new. :roo-yay:
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THE AMA WAS AMAZING! I'm so glad to have joined it and been part of the moderation team, thanks a lot @maggie and @Lucas for hosting this! :david-malan-pog: :cs50-duck:
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:sunset-vermont: 📷
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Here are more pictures of the trip I made several days ago! 🌴 📷
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Today I did a lot of homework so there's nothing else to mention right now, tomorrow I''l try to have more things. Here's a picture I took a while ago. 📷
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Today I worked to improve scrapbook's streaks.js file! I added a new media query and update a few things. 💻 :javascript:
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Today I went for a walk and took this pictures! 🌴 📷
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I'm currently writing a small index page for my pfp rotator project! Also my GitHub issue of the other day got answered and now there’s an issue with my BWSI account I need to fix because I can’t login to work on the courses.:sadge:
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My pfp app is finally working! I fixed the issues with axios and the serverless deployment now works! :vercel:
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:mit: 🦫 Today I deployed the first version of my pfp app but it's not working because of an error with axios and my package.json file, I'm checking the logs and will try to fix it! Also I'm going to be taking BWSI!
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📖 Reading some things about microscopes! 🔬
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Found a small error in iOS GitHub app! Currently trying to find a way to report it.
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Trying Sprig :sprig-dino: games on my smartphone! 📱
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Today I did a small trip to Pátzcuaro lake and took some pictures!
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Today I watched Avatar The Way of Water and read some things about Vite! Yesterday I learned about Babel.js compiler but forgot to update the text on my #scrapbook post. And speaking of Vite :vite: I'll make sure to use it on future projects.
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Reading some things for histology class!
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I plan to start taking CS50 to learn programming! I going to start this next weekend and work a bit on those days to mix it with med school! I'm also going to be taking BWSI again to finish more courses than the last I did it in 2021. 🦫
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Today I started classes again. t's the start of my second semester in medical school, so let's see how things go! I also need to find a more organized way to learn programming and here's the local temperature at the moment.
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Today I'm traveling again! 🚗 🎫 I won't be able to work on projects, also here's a ticket @sahitid made! :burst:
Today I selected the Dalle-2 images I'll use for the profile picture workshop! I generated them with the app some time ago. I also finished a V1 version of the code, but it stopped working because some errors on the package.json file :npm: . Also I made my own .gitignore file for this project!
Almost finished! :roo-yay: I'm having some errors with axios and the /api endpoint, but I'll try to get everything fixed tomorrow.
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Today I started playing The last of us! :playstation: And finished most of my dotfiles which I'll manage with YADM! I said I was going to do this a long time ago but I didn't knew git at that time. 💻
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Today I finished the Git-it! workshop to learn how to use git on the command line!
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Today I started to read Project Hail Mary and it's awesome! I need some book recs to read after I finish this one, also I worked a bit on organizing my dotfiles and on the workshop to manage my slack pfp.
I'm going to be putting my vscode :vsc: theme on a hiatus while I learn how to properly implement the syntax highlight system, tomorrow I plan to start working on a new workshop related to my slack pfp to automate the changes and installed Fig! :fig2: The autocomplete function is amazing! I think I'm going to stay with zsh + fig instead of trying fish again. 🐟
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I finally add more colors to my vscode theme! Now I'm ready to work on the syntax highlighting! :vsc: :burst:
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:burst: More research for my vscode theme! I need a good background color. :sadge: Now I'm looking at solarized and rosé-pine for ideas, most likely I'll go with a dark gruvbox like color.
Doing more research for making my vscode theme! :burst: :vsc:
Today I started to remake a workshop repo I did and learned more on how to make a vscode theme! Also here's my macbook uptime.
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Learned about gitub.dev and made my first PR :pr: to Sinerider! :sinerider:
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I'm going to be making a Slack bot with Bolt! 🤖 Also I learned how to make a VScode theme :vscode: , I was planning to start this first, but I need to think on the colors I'll use so I'll work on the bot first. :salute:
Today I learned a bit more on how npm :npm: works, made a small test site with Astro :astro: to understand deployment and changed my VScode theme to Vitesse! :vsc:
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Today I worked on some things at home, and planned a few things for my website. :tw_spider_web: Now I'm going to start looking for a good color scheme to use and design a new scrapbook CSS theme! :scrappy: 🎨
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Today I finished my CSS layout so I'll add to my Astro file! Also learned how Astro.props works.
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Once again I'm designing my personal website, and I'm currently going to start the V3 (internal) that probably will become the open-source (and public) V1! I have new custom HTML and CSS files that I'll add into my Astro files :astro: and I'll also use a new font besides my usual Space Grotesk! So let's see how this works. :thinking:
Today I made my first PR :pr: of the year! And added some things to my Holopin board. Tomorrow I'll work on a new project! 💻
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Setting up Astro :astro: again! Also I fixed a 404 error on my scrapbook page.
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Day 2 of 2023-of-learning! Today I'm setting up my starship prompt! I learned more how to work with .toml files!
Today is finally 2023! :tw_tada: This year I plan to learn and make a lot of things, so I'm starting the year with learning CLI things! First I'll learn fish shell 🐟 and then move to FINALLY setting up my dotfiles. 🗃️
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Happy new year! It's almost 2023 in here, and I look forward for this next year that is starting soon. I plan to do a lot of different things and I'm happy to be here at Hack Club :hack-club: one more year. This year was very interesting, I finished high school, I started college and had a great time. Here's a picture of the current time. 🕐
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Today is December 30th so the year is almost over! Here's my 2022 GitHub Unwrapped! There's a lot of missing commits and other weird things but still is very cool! On 2023 I plan to follow a better guide for learning web dev correctly! Maybe I'll try to keep my freecodecamp and hack club workshops path!
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Today I made some gists on GitHub to save some code snippets and studied some school things. Tomorrow I plan to start drawing pixel art again! Here's a picture I took a while ago, and finally I got my 7 days streak again! :fireball: :scrappy:
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Today I finally add the option to export the canvas as a svg file on my Splatter Paint project! I think it's almost finished after all this time, next thing I'm doing with it it's fixing the code formatting, add a Replit badge to the readme and the Spanish translation, I also learned today about Replit bounties and draw again!
Today I continued drawing again in Procreate like yesterday, and I found this awesome drawing online while searching for some idea of things to make! I plan to write a guide on how to get better. :procreate: I also started playing Uncharted 4 :playstation: and read some things!
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🌳 I made this tree drawing with Procreate! :procreate:
Merry Christmas! I've been playing Monument valley again and it's a very nice game.
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Finished my Github metrics setup, learned a bit about cron jobs and started to work on my guide of things to learn and do on 2023! :tw_tada: 💻
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I'm back at #scrapbook! :hack-club: :fireball: I plan to (try at least) post daily on 2023 but I decided to start some days earlier! :scrappy: Today I setup a special repo for my GitHub metrics to avoid having all the action commits on my readme profile repository so I put the link of the generated svg file on my profile so this could work.
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I said I was not going back at posting things on my scrapbook :hack-club: but I'm back with the #1 day of #10-days-in-public! :10daysinpublic: I'm going to be trying to get better at drawing on my iPad and finishing my last final exams for this first semester of Med School that is ending! 🧪 Here's an image of a frog I colored in Procreate! :procreate: 🐸 Hope to keep the streak again! :salute:
Today my #scrapbook ended! :sadge: :fireball: After 418 days my streak has officially come to an end! This morning I got the painful message from @scrappy-U015D6A36AG that I forgot to post last night. I completely meant to but it slipped my mind for the first time since I joined Hack Club :hack-club:, I had a lot of homework and projects so I couldn't post anything on time. That being said, although it was cool to keep it until this day, this is the last post I will do to my scrapbook and thanks to everyone who followed along for 418 days! ⚡
Studying for an embryology presentation at school!
Setup my #hkgi account! :hacksprit: :cyl_crystal: This is such a cool game! :hack-club:
I went to the cinema with some friends to watch black panther! Here's a very blurry picture I took!
Doing some biochem homework!
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Learning how to use Halftone Shaders!
I'm going to be replaying Abzu on my PS5! :playstation: 🐟 Also I'll try to get back at game dev with Js soon! :javascript:
Simple suture practice tomorrow! 🥼
Today is November 1! Besides school, I didn't made a lot of things, but I've been thinking on finishing my #scrapbook streak. :sadge: :hack-club: Here's some more Dalle Pictures I did with the AI! 🤖
Today besides a lot of school things I did some more Dalle Pictures! Promptober :bank-pumpkin: 🤖 has ended, so from now on I will only have the monthly credits plus the ones left over from the event.
Today I finished Hacktoberfest!:hacktoberfest: :tw_tada: :hacktoberfest-2022: I decided to go with the plant a tree 🌳 option instead of the t-shirt!
Today I went to the zoo with some friends!
After 399 days my streak has officially come to the first place with the 400th day today! :tw_tada: :fireball: :parrotdad: I started last year just as something to do when I joined Hack Club :hack-club: but it have become a great way to keep small updates of the things I've been working on and learning. So for today, besides celebrating this, I finished my code and add more documentation updates for github.com/javierzaleta/splatter-paint (please consider starring iton GitHub!) and made a piano website with another workshop 🎹 that I'll share soon besides a JavaScript :javascript: music visualizer. Also, I just need to wait one more day for my last Hacktoberfest PR :hacktoberfest-2022: to be accepted and sadly I missed Sal Khan's AMA. :sadge: :khan-academy:
With this post, I have a 399 days streak! :fireball: Tomorrow I'll beat the number one record! Here's a picture of my streak before the post. :tw_tada: :parrotdad: Also, I need to make a GH issue about Scrappy's issues. :scrappy-retro:
I finally finished all of my second midterm exams! Here's a screenshot of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine book! 📚
Today I worked to add more things to Splatter Paint! I added a GitHub-corner :github:, updated a bit the script and redesign the README! You can check it out at: github.com/javierzaleta/splatter-paint. ⭐ Also my last PR for Hacktoberfest :hacktoberfest-2022: is in review so I will be able to finish the challenge! :tw_tada: :parrotdad:
:google: :hacktoberfest-2022:
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Added my Hacktoberfest :hacktoberfest: Holopin badges to my GitHub :github: profile! I have one merged PR :merge: and other two waiting for approval, they will get accepted in a few hours. :quad_parrot:
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Biochem exam tomorrow! I'm going to be studying everything I've seen during this months! 🧪 :thumbs-up-head-empty:
Today I had my first exam of my second block of midterm exams! :quad_parrot:
Today I did a i18n translation to Spanish of Quartz! 🪴
I did a new PR :pr: for #some-assembly-required! :someassemblyrequired: Also my stickers are on their way! 📦 Tomorrow I'll work on my PR to add Spanish to Quartz! 🪴 :obsidian-md:
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Day 10/10 of #10-days-in-public! :tw_tada: This was the last project day, and even when I didn't finished my Astro :astro: website, I learned and made a lot of new things and had a lot of fun. Next thing I will be working on is adding a Spanish i18n to Quartz! :obsidian-md: 🪴
Day 9 out of 10 of #10-days-in-public! It's almost done! Today I'm working on an oxidative phosphorylation, talked about bio things with @Ishan and did more AI Dall-E 2 pictures!
Day 8?/10 of #10-days-in-public! Yesterday I could't edit my post with my Dalle picture to share what I did because I had a lot of homework, so I'l sharing it now: Yesterday I learned more about some custom CSS functions that use div's! And today my #some-assembly-required PR got merged and I did a new one for #scrapbook! :fireball: :scrappy-retro:
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Day 6 of #10-days-in-public! I didn't code because I have a lot of homework and an anatomy test tomorrow, so here's an AI picture! :cooll-dino: 🪐
Day 5/10 of #10-days-in-public! Today I got a bit away from Astro. :astro: I can't get to solve the issue I'm having and I did a lot of homework so I made a small HTML :html: and CSS :css: galley with some local pictures I took! 📷
Day 4/10 of #10-days-in-public! I learned better how Astro :astro: and HTML self closing tags work, so I created my Header.astro and Footer.astro components! But there's a weird bug 🐛 :sadge: so I'll watch a tutorial to learn what's going on. Also I started #some-assembly-required Spanish translation! :github: :pullrequest: :mexicoparrot:
Day 3/10 of #10-days-in-public! Today I installed my local Astro files and started to edit my website! Also I did some debugging 🐛 to fix errors! Lastly, more AI pictures for my Sci-Fi book!
Day 2/10 of #10-days-in-public! Today I got to understand better the use of Astro layouts, components and Scoped Styles! :astro: (Also I learned how to implement a 404 :errors: page). Thanks to this I'm ready to make a local version of my website in vscode! :vsc: Also today I made new Dalle pictures that I shared on my previous post. :tw_tada:
First day of #10-days-in-public! For this event I'm going to finally learn how to use Astro :astro: and build my personal website. :tw_spider_web: So for this, first I decided what I wanted to have: I'm going to be using HTML, CSS and Markdown next to Astro files to make it! After that, I started to understand how does Astro routing works: Basically I have src/* for my code files and public/* for non code things, besides this I'll use a package.json manifest and an Astro config file astro.config.mjs. Here's a screenshot of my vscode with my Astro files learning the project structure and some cool Dalle pictures I made as well! :quad_parrot:
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I'm working with some cell 🦠 homework, so this post will work for both October 3 and 4! Today I also did some new Sci-Fi pictures with Dall-e! 🤖
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Today I did an anatomy homework, also studied and did a new GtHub profile README! :github: Also here's a new dalle picture. 🕷️
I'm going to be making a website with my Dall-e creations! It's going to be for a story. 👀 🤖
:hacktoberfest:I registered to Hacktoberfest for the first time! It's going to be awesome! :cooll-thumbs:
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I installed Astro :astro: using Node.js :nodejs: and npm! :npm: This is going to be so cool to use to make my personal website! 🚀
Wahoo! Been doing more pull requests :pr: to Hack Club! And a lot of homework :sadge:
:pr: :tw_tada: :github:
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I started to move my e-books to apple books! 📚
This is how my desktop is looking, also Slack :slack: inside Arc! :arc: Today also I had a very cool biochemistry lab practice
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There's not a lot of updates today! I've been doing great on my exams and I keep exploring Arc! :arc: Yesterday as well I did another PR :pr: but it's still unreviewed. :github:
I setup Arc Browser! And downloaded some of their badges!
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Deployed :vercel: another Hack Club :hack-club: workshop! This was very interesting to work on.
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Wahoo! I got access to the Arc Browser! 🌐 I’m looking forward to try it!
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I had my exams today, and everything went great! I have another one tomorrow so here's some old cell pictures. Also I almost get my 365 days streak.
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So… I already shared this image on a previous scrapbook post but I’m having a test tomorrow so I needed an image to post! 🦠 I’ll have more updates about Astro soon. :astro:
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:astro: I might learn Astro to build my website!
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Doing more anatomy homework, I’ll try to have a coding update after my exams finish this following weeks. :quad_parrot:
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Studying for my anatomy exam! 🦴 🥼
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Stable Difussion!
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I still haven’t registered for Dall-E beta, but now there’s a new tool! What I have done is learning how to use Stable Difussion!
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I took this pictures today, besides school things there’s anything additional for today post. 📸
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Doing Biochemistry homework! Here’s a book cover. 🧪
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Setting up a WebGL animation as my macbook background! It’s awesome! :macbook-air-space-gray-screen: :cooll-dino:
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Currently finishing another surgery homework! I have to practice next Monday. 🥼 So here’s an image of the book I’m using:
Reading the paper about how Dall-E works! 🤖
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Experimenting with Dall-E 2! It’s so fast, I haven’t been accepted to the beta so this images were made by a friend. 🤖
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Reading an article for school! 🧬
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Here’s some pictures I took from the environment around the college and from a bone. ⛰️
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Making an updated version of my P5.js Music Visualizer! :js: 🎹
I translated Sprig :sprig-dino: docs into Spanish! This helped me as well to understand better how the engine works. :pr: :gamelab:
Wahoo! Here’s some images of my terminal because I did a lot of homework so there aren’t images of anything else. The theme is TokyoNight. :tw_tokyo_tower: 🌔
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I’m going to be translating Sprig:sprig-dino: docs to Spanish! Also I did a PR to update the readme and add some cool things :D :pr: Also got a GitHub error. :errors: :github:
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I’m going to sign in for Dall-E beta! 🤖 Also here’s my desktop again: :macbook-air-space-gray-screen:
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Today I did a lot of Medicine 🥼 homework in the afternoon, so there aren’t any photos to share today, instead here’s a macOS wallpaper! :macintosh-stcicker:
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Today I’m reading about cell aging 🦠 for a Medicine project, and I’ll be using “Lifespan - Why we age and why we don’t have to” , thanks @clairebookworm for some help for other reccs! Also I’m building a Biology/Neuroscience/Medicine Wordle. :wordle: 🧪
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Wahoo! For more open-source code! :pr: :parrotdad:
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Today I had a bit of free time so I wrote some things for the web dev guide 🌐 and a translation guide for workshops! :merge: :quad_parrot:
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I went to walk and took some pictures! 🌲 📷
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I added more things to my macbook :macbook-air-space-gray-screen: setup, changed some icons and finished to setup brew and mas! :homebrew-mac: :ruby: Here’s a screenshot 📸 of how it’s looking right now.
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Coming back from school right now! 🥼 🧪 So here’s some pictures I took of the street. 📸 🌴
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Reading about surgery room areas for school! 🧪
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Here’s some notes I took about Mitosis. 🦠
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More school! 🥼 So here's an image of Obsidian:obsidian-md:docs and one of my medicine books 📚 and files. 🗃️
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So I've been setting up more things for my dotfiles and it's going awesome! :cooll-dino: I know more things and .config files are easier to use. Also tomorrow I'm having Medicine classes again, so it's going to be week #2! :parrotdad:
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Learning how to properly use Git :github: at the terminal!
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It's raining! 🌧️ So I'm going to be setting up a website with my obsidian medicine notes! :obsidian-md:I think I'm going to be using a static website generator. Lastly I got rated limited by GitHub for a minute, no idea why that happened. :thinking:
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I took this picture while studying Biochemistry at college. The other one is a E.Coli 🦠 diagram! 🥼 :quad_parrot:
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I took this images from the view I have at my college! 📷 I can see the entire city from here. :cooll-dino: ⛰️
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Wahoo! 🦒 I took this pictures today, it was another good day! Today I learned as well new things in college, medical school 🏫 🥼 is awesome! It takes a lot of time, so there aren't many other updates today. 📚
Today was my first medicine day! It went awesome, classes are a bit difficult but very cool! 🧪 Here's two pictures I took. 📷
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Today is the last day I'll have this view! ⛰️ I have everything ready to move now that I'll have medicine classes at my college starting tomorrow! 🏫 🧪 It's going to be a bit difficult to keep my streak but I'll make my best! :salute:
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Today I wrote some new pages for a Sci-fi story 🛸, there aren't many updates today because I'm going to be moving the entire of my things to move to college! 🗃️ 🚗 Here's some pictures of the mountains on the road 🛣️, they're green now because it has rained 🌧️ a lot!
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Today was my last day of the college introduction course! 🏫 :tw_tada: This means I'm having classes next week! 🧪 Here's a picture of a tree I think I already shared, one of how the sky is looking like and a long exposure picture of the highway at night! 🌃 📷 Also I'm going to be using the iPad Books app to manage and sync my e-books and PDFs files! 📖 🔖
So today I had another good school day, and here's two pictures I took. 🪴 ☁️ I didn't coded 💻 today but I've been setting up my new iPad! (I talked more about it in #apple). :toitle-birb: 🍎 Lastly, tomorrow I'll try to have more technical updates now that is going to be Friday! :yay:
Today I had my next introductory day to college! It was great as well. I'm ready to start classes next week! :yay: :backpack: So as I mentioned yesterday, here's the description for my new Hack Club's PR! :merge: There were some differences between Scrapbook's README file and the "About" section of the website, so I edited the .mdx file which I also learned how to work with to bring back that missing info! Today I also saw some new coding things that I could use and I took this photo because it's raining. 🌧️
Today was my second 🥈 introductory day to college! It was great and I could met more of my classmates and professors! Also I had my first 🥇 Anatomy Class of the semester and it was great and very cool! 💪 🦴 Here's a picture of the bird that is living on the tree 🌳 I showed yesterday! Today I made as well another PR to Hack Club :hack-club: :merge: but I'll talk about it tomorrow.
Today was my first day of my introductory course to college! 🏫 It was great! Everything is awesome :cooll-thumbs: so far and here's two pictures I also took today. 🌴 There's a bird nest on the tree. 📸 🐦
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Here's an image of how my Scrapbook :hack-club: looks like with the posts without the images, Scrappy :scrappy: is currently down. :sadge: Also this is an image of a crocodile made with Dall-E! 🤖 🐊 It's going to be my pfp now on the slack! :slack: :yay:
Here's some pictures of the landscape and game screenshots from Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order! :playstation: :jediparrot: Tomorrow I'll have more updates for coding and other things! Besides this, I'm ready to start college with an introductory course this next week! 🏫
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Here's a picture I took recently and a screenshot of my Scrapbook Streak! :fireball: I recently passed 300 days! :tw_tada: :quad_parrot: Also there's more updates to my NixOS VM! :nix: I wrote a guide with the steps I'm going to take to make it so I think everyone will work out better that the other times! I'm using an ARM ISO this time so the compatibility should be better.
This is the last group of images of the journey! After arriving on the airplane, I continued the trip on the road 🚗 🛣️ to be back at the city 🏙️ because as many of y'all already know I'm starting college next Monday! 🧪 I'll have more updates on different things tomorrow!
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Second pictures group, taken almost when I was going to land. 🛬 🛣️
Here's the first group of photos from yesterday's flight! ✈️ ⛰️ I'm going to be sending more of this on the next posts! 📸 This are from the beginning and some minutes after the flight started! 🌎
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Today I'm going back to the city 🌆 because I'm starting college the next week! ✈️ So this means that summer vacations are almost over! ☀️ Here's some images of my plants that I took yesterday. 🌱 :flower-toitle:
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Today I worked on some PR :pr: on Sprig's Readme! :github: :gamelab: 🍃 I added more content, a link to the development #sprig channel, and information about the philosophy of the project. :thinking: Also I'm going to be making a new VM to try again NixOS :nix: but this time I'll use a ARM build and use Pop Shell with it! :pop-os:
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Today my scrapbook streaks pr :pr: got merged! :merge: 🎉 Thanks @ella and @caleb for the help! Here's an image that shows how it looked like before without the style and how it looks now! :css: :react: It also show my streak. :cooll-dino: Lastly for this post, here's another screenshot that shows the previous step of my p5.js music visualizer. 🎵
So today I did my pull request :pr: to add some style to the Scrapbook Streaks page! :hack-club: Also I'm going to be changing the theme for my computer setup again! :macbook-air-space-gray-screen: This time I'm moving from TokyoNight + Dracula to Rosé Pine! 🌹 It looks a bit similar to catppuccin that was recommend to me in here! So let's see how it look like. 🎨
Today I had a good day! There's not much coding updates but I'm going back to the city 🏙️ next week. Here's another awesome space 🌌 image and a screenshot of my previous #scrapbook post because it didn't correctly load last time. For my future projects, I plan to work on my GitHub Readme again! :github: :quad_parrot:
Today I started working on a new feature for the streaks page of Scrapbook to add some customization to it! :hack-club: :css: Also I worked on an online course 🔬
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Gamelab evolved and it's now Sprig! :tw_leaves: Now the game engine is tile-based, so it's time to make a new game for it! :quad_parrot: Tomorrow I'll try to get back at my open source workflow for Hack Club :hack-club: and help a bit again with some repos! :merge: :github: Also here's an update on my GitHub Graduation stickers: I think they won't arrive never. :sadge: Anyways, here's some screenshots for #sprig! :gamelab:
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I've learned many new cool things with JavaScript :javascript: and P5.js! The music visualizer is a lot better than before. :yay: Also here's a local picture I took some time ago. 📸 ☁️
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Tomorrow I'm getting my Medical School Admission results! 🧪 So while I'll wait, here's another BOTW screenshot! :triforce: 📸 I'm going to need to find a way to transfer my save file! :thinking: :tw_floppy_disk:
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:javascript: 🎼 I'm working on a music visualizer using P5.js and the Fast Fourier transform! :quad_parrot:
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Here's some local photos I took today! There used to be a beach 🏖️ here many years ago... 🌴 ☀️ Tomorrow I plan to get back at a new project and make a new P5.js :javascript: music visualizer! 🎼 🎹
As mentioned yesterday, today I went to drive again! It was a nice experience and I'm getting better! 🚗 I plan to keep up with some of my projects this next week, and also I'm getting the results for my medical school admissions! 🥼 🔬 There's no new image for today's post 🖼️ so here's a previous image of my backyard.
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Today there aren't many updates! But tomorrow I'm going to practice how to drive again! 🚗 It's going to be great! And as a coding update, the next language that I'm going to learn after my web 🌐 development :javascript: :css: route is Go! :gopher:
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Today I organized some of my files 🗃️ and there's not a lot of coding updates, although I'm updating some of my repos :github: and adding my replit files to them! :replit: There's no image for this so here's a green heron!
Today I learned a bit more about Nix! :nix: And how it's used on Replit. :replit: Also here's an screenshot of my previous post because it didn't load correctly last time. :thinking:
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Here's a picture of my backyard after watering the plants! 🌊 🪴 it's a very nice view and the weather is good as well. Also here's an image of how my terminal setup is going! :macintosh-stcicker:
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Today I went to drive for the first time! 🛣️ 🚗 This is going to be a lot useful to go to many places! 🗺️ Also here's a Vermont :vermont: landscape picture! 🌆
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Today I started working on another workshop, this time the Wordle :wordle: ✍️ Clone by @heyrajan and learned more on config files, for example Replit files .replit :replit: and replit.nix! :nix: Also I added some things to my website and went to see a school as an option for college! 🏫 Also tomorrow I will start learning how to drive 🚗 and here’s an image I took today of the landscape! ⛰️ 🌴 ☀️
Here's a picture I took today! 📷 🌳 Today for coding I learned more about how dotfiles work, added a few things to my Replit :replit: and continued working on my BWSI course! :mit: 🦫
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For today there isn’t any coding thing! I’m just on vacations! 🌴 So here’s a Parrot Fish! :parrotdad: 🐟 But there are some updates about my post of 2 days ago! :nix: I did some progress on the nixOS VM, but I can’t get pass the boot options to install the OS! :thinking: I think it’s probably because it’s using emulation instead of virtualization. 💻 I’m going to try an ARM build to solve this issue! :quad_parrot:
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So today I’m finally setting up my ~/ dotfiles! 🗃️ 🌱 :nix:
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:nix: 🗃️
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Today I had my last college admission exam! So I'm finally free and the summer vacations have started! :tw_tada: Thanks to this I'll be able to work on my website 🌐 , on my nixOS :nix: VM and on other projects! Here's some pictures I just took right now from the landscape! 🌴
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It's very nice to be back home. 😌 🏡 Today I organized many things at my house and studied for another test! For coding, I plan to be designing some new things for my website in development! I'm going to be using a dino.icu 🌐 domain so I'll make a PR :pullrequest: to change my :hack-club: scrapbook domain to link 🔗 it to my website! Here's two of my previous images! :tw_camera:
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Assemble is finally here! :assemble: :parrotdad: Today I registered for Hack Club's 2022 Summer Event! It's going to be so awesome and I look forward to be there!
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Second travel update! I'm about 1/3 of the total distance that I'll travel! :tw_world_map: 🧭 I'll make a final update about #assemble when I get back home! 🏡 :yay: 🎉 It's going to take a while because I still have about 8 hours of trip ahead! ⏲️
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First travel update! 🚗 It's been great so far! I've seen a lot of things so here's some pictures! 📸 ⛰️
First post of the day! :tw_tada: :parrotdad: As y'all know, I've just finished high school 🏫 two days ago, so it's time to travel back home again! 🧭 🗺️ I'm going to be sharing journey updates here! :D I'm going to be travelling very early in the morning so it's going to be a long trip! 🚗 🛣️ Here's an image of a Green Heron! 🐦
Today was a very good day! :yay: I went today to the cinema 🎥 🍿and ate pizza! 🍕 Also tomorrow there's going to be many scrapbook updates! :tw_eyes: So for now, here's a nice local picture! ⛰️ ☁️ 📷
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Today was finally my last day as a high school 🏫 student, and that's because it was my graduation! 🎓 This were the best school years I've had and I look forward for the future and the things I will be learning! I'm glad for all of the cool 😎 moments at classes and with friends and I'll remember them always! Also here's some pictures 📸 of some flowers and from Gorki the Corgi! :mailcorgi:
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Today was a very good day, I studied for my final school exam 🎒 that I'll have tomorrow, and I'm finally going to be graduating as well! 🎉 🎓 Here's a picture of the landscape 🌆, it's raining again! 🌧️
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Today was the start of summer! ☀️ Here's some pictures 📸 of the sky and from the sunset! 🌆 Today I also had another test and I'm going to be graduating this week! 🏫 :quad_parrot:
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The storm is finally over! I'm going to be able to share more sunny photos tomorrow! ☀️ 📸 I continued as well my nix :nix: learning journey and I studied as well for my test! Also here's another screenshot of Jedi Fallen Order! :jediparrot: :playstation:
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Today I learned more things about Nix :nix: and continued studying like all of this days for my school test! :tw_closed_book: Also here's a nice landscape :tw_bridge_at_night: picture I took some days ago and that I shared in here as well! 📸 It's been cloudy ☁️ and very rainy 🌧️ for some days so I haven't taken any other good image!
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Today I continued to learn Nix! :nix: And I'm going to be installing it on a VM on my M1 Macbook Air! :macintosh-stcicker: :macbook-air-space-gray-screen: I've been learning the theoretical aspects pf it and it's awesome, I can't wait to start building this new setup! :cooll-dino: Also here's an image of my Scrapbook :hack-club: keeping the streak has been very fun! :tw_relieved: Again there's an error with Vercel :vercel: on my local Internet network! 🕸️ The good thing is that I can use @BenjaminSmith Outline server to solve this! 📤
Today I learned more about Nix :nix: thanks to @tejasag! I have a better understanding now about nixOS, nixpkgs 🗃️ home-manager 🏡 nix-darwin 🐠 and other things! I have a better idea too on how this kind of dotfiles works.:parrot-nix: As well I'm finally working on my website again! I never finished last design so this is going to count towards my first version! 🌐 Also yesterday I managed to de-cypher 🔓 and enter Hack Club :hack-club: 2022 summer event :tw_bridge_at_night: website! It was so much fun and a very interesting project! I learn a lot of things from this like OpenSSL! :cat-on-the-laptop: :tw_unlock:Lastly, somehow I saw Vercel's 404 :sadmac: page for the first time while checking my projects dashboard. :vercel: :sphere:
A few months ago I said I was going to setup an Arch :arch: or NixOS :nix: VM! But I couldn't finish neither of those! :sphere: Right now I decided again to give it a try to Nix and finally I'm going to try it again!! :quad_parrot: This is going to be very cool and interesting! :cooll-dino: Now I just need to decide if making a VM like my previous plan or something else! Also finally we have the first official Summer Event clues! Some people already figured it out, and I'm going to learn what are JSON Web Tokens and how does they work! Here's an update: I managed to discover the event secret website! :parrotdad:
Today I decided to learn more about how the Browser Developer Tools 💻 work, so I started the Hacker Challenges by @jessicard! This project is amazing, all of the explanations are awesome and the challenges are very fun! :blobattention: Today I also did more school 🎒 stuff and took this picture! 📷
Today I practiced how to align items with CSS Flexbox! :css: Also here's some pictures I took today, it's very cloudy and cold. :cloud-thoughts-head-full: Lastly, here's a Green Heron Bird! :tw_bird:
Today I went back to school 🏫 to check some administration 🗃️ things and I took these photos! 📷
Today I learned more on how some internet things work in depth like DNS, HTTP, TCP/IP Protocol and servers! 🌐 This is in order to have a better understanding of the web principles which I'll use for the Hack Club :hack-club: Wed Dev guide! :merge: Besides this, here's another awesome picture of the landscape, I will be making something cool and very soon with all of them. 📸 🌆
Today I had my first college admission exam! 🏫 🎉 It was at the University City of my city. 🏙️ And after that I had a lot of free time to study for another incoming test, continued playing Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order :jediparrot: and learned more about Data Visualization and Force-Directed graphs, this is going to be very useful for a cool project I will try to make, and speaking of projects, I'm almost ready to reveal all of the details for my Open Source :merge: Hack Club :hack-club: project! Lastly, here's a very cool photo 📸 of the sunset and a game-screenshot of my lightsaber! 🤺
Today I had a very good day! Here's a picture of the sunset. 📸 🌆 Tomorrow I'll have more coding updates! :macbook-air-space-gray-screen: Also tomorrow I have a college admission exam. I hope everything goes awesome, :cooll-dino: because I've been studying for a lot of time, so I'll do my best! 🏫 📕
Today I did my last high school 🏫 exam of the semester! 🎉 :parrotdad: Also like yesterday it rained a lot. 🌧️ :cloud-thoughts-head-full: Today as well I studied for some other exams, read a bit about the story of the internet and other useful related topics like DNS :tw_spider_web: 🌐 for my Hack Club project :hack-club: and wrote some notes about it in markdown using Atom :electron: and saw that there are new GitHub Achievements! :github: :pr: This a very nice feature! Currently I have two of them. :pull-request-shark: Lastly for today, I designed new features for my acoustic galaxy :tw_milky_way: creative coding project that I'll try to add soon! 🎨
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Today I studied again for my exam of tomorrow! Also it's raining very hard right now. Today as well I read that GitHub is going to archive Atom! It was the first code editor I used and it's always going to be special for me even when I've been using vs code a lot lately! Because of this, I saw as well other benefits of forks and some things about Electron framework for desktop apps! Also I'm going to be reading the hobbit again!
So my coding journey about shaders :macintosh-stcicker: helped me to learn more about how 3D Pixel Art 🎨 works! Here's an example of a 3D Render scene with a shader effect that I saw on tutorial, which can be made with Blender :blender: , Unity 3D Game Engine :unity: or with code using Three.js! :javascript: Here's also an image of "A Short Hike" a very cool :cooll-dino: indie game that uses this same effect that I will be playing soon! And speaking about games, today I did another basic design while using Gamelab! :gamelab: I think I'm understanding it better! :quad_parrot: Lastly for today, I had my Biology 🦠 exam today and I'm going to be working on Hack Club's :hack-club: guide-to-web-dev repository :merge: I plan to make more commits soon and explain everyone here what is it for! 👀
First post of the day! :tw_tada: Here's some pictures 📸 I took recently and that I didn't have had time before to share in here! Two of them are from a local bakery 🥐 🥖 near my house, the other is a statue 🗿 that I have shown in here before, and the other is from my school! 🏫
Today I learned about a very cool Blender :blender: Halftone Shader :macintosh-stcicker: thanks to @msw! This is going to be useful for my 3D model experiments and for 2D as well! :quad_parrot: Today I also studied for my Biology 🦠 🔬 test that I'll have tomorrow and finished yesterday's PR :pr: that got merged! :merge: Also I'm working with @jessicard on a new project for Hack Club :hack-club: that I'll give more details soon! 👀
Today I learned more on how to work with VScode! :vsc: I didn't knew :thinking: it was possible to open a terminal :macintosh-stcicker: on it! I tried as well to open the neofetch command and Vim :vim: on it and my Splatter Paint 🎨 project files! Today I also worked again on details for two new Hack Club :hack-club: PR! :pr: The first one is to add Scrapbook to the GitHub :github: README and the second is my Workshop translation guide! :mexicoparrot: All of this are from ideas talked with @jessicard yesterday, thanks a lot for guiding me and reviewing my work! :yay: Lastly for today, I kept studying for my Biology Exam! 🦠 🔬
Today I started to work on my Visual Studio Code setup! :vsc: I installed Atom's :atom: One Dark theme which is awesome, and Prettier code formatter :macbook-air-space-gray-screen: that was a recommendation from @caleb! I also studied for my exams 🦠 , and worked on a new PR :pr: for Hack Club! :hack-club: Also here's macOS penguin default wallpaper. 📸
Today I did another Hack Club :hack-club: Pull Request! :pr: :merge: It improves the README by adding more info on how to contribute! Tomorrow I'll try to make the other one I've been working on about a guide for Workshops! Also today I learned more about YADM, because I'm going to finally make my Dotfiles! 🌱 As well I saw things about Cron's Calendar app :cron: and I setup a VPN 🌐 with the help of @BenjaminSmith and his Outline Server! :quad_parrot:
goose-honk-technologist emoji
spring-of-making emoji
pr emoji
merge emoji
cron emoji
Today I started learning about what are GLSL Shaders thanks to a very cool art 🎨 project made with them that uses awesome :cooll-dino: math things like polar coordinates and Voronoi shapes, which I used previously with Paper.js! :javascript: All of this was thanks to @ced that mentioned this to me, besides his Shaders book recommendation: thebookofshaders.com 📕 Here's some screenshots of it! 📸 It's difficult but very interesting! I also I started to look for more themes to customize my coding setup and to change how internet websites look on my browser! 🌐 🕸️ Here's how my repositories look with a custom theme! 🎨 Although I still need to see more options and choose the best one for me. And finally, I read again a bit more of GitHub :github: CodeSpaces, and my following final exam that I'll have this next Tuesday will be Biology again! 🌱 🦠 :quad_parrot:
Today I had my Computer Science 💻 Final Exam! :quad_parrot: :tw_tada: And I think it went great! Also today I practiced a bit more of CSS Flexbox :harder-flex: :css: with a few tutorials and examples! Also did a Hack Club's :hack-club: Summer 2022 sketch based on the theories 🏕️ 🧭 🎈 we have made here on the Slack :slack: about the event and with a small description with the help of some cool additional details! :cooll-dino:
Today was a very normal and good day! :parrotdad: I rest a bit and practiced for my Computer Science 💻 :cat_typing: exam that I'll have tomorrow! Also I went for some ice cream 🍦 and here's some pictures of the sunset! 🌆 📸
Today I had my final Calculus Exam and I got highest score possible! :tw_tada: :quad_parrot: Also I've read a few things about Node.js :javascript: :nodejs: and package managers like Yarn 🧶 and npm :npm: ! So I'm adding this to the list of things to learn! Also, looks like there's more clues about Hack Club's Summer 2022 event, but it's still a mistery. :thinking: :blobninja: And speaking of decoding, I've gotten better at using CyberChef and decoding coding things like Hex! :parrotdad: 💻
My previous Pull Request got merged! :merge: 🎉 Here's an image showing how the link update looks like and my streak after the position changes! :fireball: Also recently I participated at #mission-control escape-room and it was so cool :cooll-dino: , although I didn't had time to talk about it in here! It was very useful to me because it helped me to get better at flexbox :harder-flex: :css: , and I learned many different tools and how to use them like CyberChef 💻 🤌 that I've been using recently, it's a really useful tool for any sort of data format conversion! Also I learned about curl curl.se and I've been trying to figure out with @maggie, @mutammim and @fayd what is Hack Club :hack-club: planning to do this summer! We have a few theories :blobninja: , and the most likely is that the event is going to be at SF! :tw_bridge_at_night: We also have other theories that include animals 🦦 , a blimp or some kind of hackathon! :quad_parrot:
I finally finished studying for tomorrow's Calculus Exam, so it's time to start coding again! :cat_typing: So for this first 1️⃣ post of the day, I'm sharing that I did a new Pull Request :pr: for Hack Club! :hack-club: It's an update on the index.js :javascript: file that adds a link to the streaks page at the main Scrapbook page. :scrappy: And speaking of streaks, with this post I take @sampoder second 🥈 streak place at scrapbook post with 243 consecutive days!!! 🔥 :parrotdad:
Today I continued studying for my next exam, 🎒 added a few things to my new translation :pr: :mexicoparrot: , fixed a Pop_OS! :pop-os: KDE DE problem and started playing again Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order now on 4K on my PS5 :playstation: after seeing the announcement for the sequel Star Wars Jedi: Survivor! :jediparrot: Here's a screenshot of the game, a picture of a plant I recently took 🪴 and some sunset 🌆 images as well! 📸
Today I had my physics final exam! I hope I'm going to get a good grade on it. 🚀 :quad_parrot: And besides studying for my calculus exam that I'll have next Monday, today I worked again on another Workshop Translation! :yay: I've been very busy with school things but I hope to finish it soon! :hack-club: :pr:
Recently I made a post about writing a Sci-Fi 🛸 story on the terminal, and here's how it can be done! This applies as well to this awesome :cooll-dino: ASCII Art of a computer :macintosh-stcicker: and Hack Club! :hack-club: This are the steps: 1. 🥇 First of all, open a terminal emulator, this one is cool-retro-term because it has some awesome retro effects! :awesome: 2. 🥈 Second, open Vim :vim: on it! 3. 🥉 Third, start tying the info you want to be display! 💻 That's all, it's very simple and the results are great :D :parrotdad:
My GitHub :github: Graduation 🎓 PR :pr: got merged!!! :merge: :quad_parrot: This means I'm going to get my custom trading card! 🎟️
Today I continued studying for my exam, helped to review a Hack Club :hack-club: Workshop PR :pr: and started working on another workshop translation! :mexicoparrot: Also I'm going to be setting up a VM Server using Oracle and CloudFlare :cloudflare: and try to install PopOS! on it! As well I hope my GitHub :github: Graduation 🎓 PR will get merged on time :merge: because the time it's almost over! ⏲️ And lastly, here's a retro styled terminal on my Macbook, which I used to had on my PopOS! :pop-os: Linux :linux: setup and that I will use to write a Science Fiction story! 🛸
Here's a picture of my macbook :macbook-air-space-gray-screen: terminal using Raycast :raycast: Confetti! 🎉 So the point of this extra post was to mention that I learned as well a few more things on how does the app works, which will be useful when I start getting into building extensions.
Today I studied for my final physics exam that I'll have this next Friday! And yesterday I had my Chemistry test! 🧪 Also I helped a friend to fix Windows :windows-xp: and then helped him to move and install Linux :linux: with PopOS! :pop-os: :quadparrot:
Here's a collection of some local valley ⛰️ pictures I've taken recently! The reflection of the sun on the clouds ☁️ :cloud-thoughts-head-full: between the mountains peaks makes it look like a volcano! 🌋 A very cool moment I'm happy to have taken as a photograph! 📸