Posts tagged with :sprig-dino:

and spade-upload
! They can upload games to a #C02UN35M7LG| or whatever device running Spade. I spent a lot of time writing the tests and documentation.. I wanted to get it right since this is my first time, so I know what to do in the future. spade-serial
is the crate that does the actual work while spade-upload
is the application that makes use of the crate. It's useful to me because I use Safari on my MacBook and Firefox on my other laptop, neither of which implement the Web USB API, so this provides a way for me to put games on my Sprig without installing another browser that I don't want to use. I made spade-serial
into a crate because I wanted to keep the logic separate so that people could apply it in multiple places, like maybe a GUI app.
The game uploaded in the video is this game. I did not create it.
GitHub Repository | spade-serial on crates.io | spade-upload on crates.io

class as a textObject
closure. I did this because private properties in functions were causing syntax errors in my physical Sprig, and I didn't want to just prefix it with something like _
because it doesn't actually enforce private-ness. With a closure, I can have variables out of scope for consuming code. I did the same with GameObject
-> gameObject
, Command
Plot twist: when I opened the Sprig editor to take a screenshot for Scrapbook, my changes were magically there! Maybe I had multiple tabs or something and one was out of date. I should commit this tomorrow because it's getting late.

for a debug menu! (Note: most of the lag is out of my control, the sprig emulator has iffy performance. Hopefully I can get it working on a real sprig!)
Play: sprig.hackclub.com/share/zqNUQdjMUesAvefyCHnK
Code: github.com/jeremy46231/sprig/blob/2f9116/games/off-grid-platformer.js

Something Fishy
. It's a fishing game, now with multiple levels, better design, more complex controls, background sound, and more.
gh repo: github.com/suryaanshah/Something-Fishy-Sprig-Game
❗ Important note: One of the session had hakuun down so it actually lasted 75 mins instead of 60.