Posts tagged with :star:

🚢 BOIDS! 🚢 Have you ever looked at birds in the sky and wondered... I wonder what the mathematical calculations for there movement were? You probably haven't but if you have, that's a real thing! It's called Boids. It's based on 3 rules (separation, cohesion, alignment) and can make some movements that look like schools of fish 🐟 or bird 🐦 movement, it can even make really satisfying timelapses! So over the last week-ish I decided to make a pygame script to simulate these Boids and create a program to see these mesmerizing patterns thats a mix between art and music! You can check out the code (and compile it yourself to run) here (give it a star maybe :p) , if you want to read more about boids, the wikipedia page is pretty good and there are a bunch of articles about it. I'll try to host a 24/7 <|stream> for as long as possible if anyone wants to see it in action!
are you addicted to slack?
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take santa's test to find out!! you have to answer 15 questions and you have to pick the right reaction to a message, like: "i just spent an hour reading confessions posts" would you react
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? play here! also if you have suggestions for more questions pls tell me
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. btw the answers are all just my opinion and im not rlly an expert
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> last weekend, @michelle and i had the most unforgettable experience at ascend
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in LA where we were surrounded by 50+ girls & non-binary in tech, helping organize one of the most incredible hackathons i've been to this year. of course, we still wanted to take the opportunity to build & ship a technical project so we spent majority of the day working on this AR simulation of a SpaceX Falcon 9 landing wherever you held up the SpaceX
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logo with three.js, ar.js, & a-frame
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. we were content with mediocrity until, in a last-minute turn of events (and a motivating conversation with @zrl ), we realized we wanted to make something more meaningful
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. something that addressed a real issue & we could own 100% of the code
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with. and what’s the #1 problem facing youth in america 🦅 today? that’s right. there are no resources for underage gambling.
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🇺🇸 so, from the hours of 1–5 am, @michelle and i went all in. armed with vanilla web dev, 2+ crash-outs, and sleep deprivation, we built a GAMBLING WEBSITE FOR MINORS. our project bridges the accessibility gap by offering an educational experience to prepare the next generation for the risks of losing it all. 🎲
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full story behind our project design process (money spread images included
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github: 💌 thank you to @zrl for the wake-up call to redo our entire project at 1 am, and the entire #C07T6DEFD7U| organizing team ( @savina , @zoyashussain , @phaedra , @jeslyn , @elia , @andreayang ) for providing headshots that we used on the website. and most of all @ZenabH. (the coolest canadian i know) for the yap & moral support.
hiii 1 more launch! this one's the kicker, and I don't see any reason I can't share it with you guys! this summer, I built BioRSP (Biological Radar Scanning Plots)—an open-source tool that took a huge amount of time, effort, and dedication LOL I barely got sleep working BioRSP is designed to enhance the analysis of single-cell gene expression patterns by simulating radar-like scanning across cell clusters. It’s a major step forward in bioinformatics, particularly for those of us focused on spatial transcriptomics and understanding cellular heterogeneity. What does that mean? Imagine trying to figure out what’s going on at a massive concert. You can hear some people singing loudly, others talking quietly, and some areas where it’s just silent. But if you were up in the sky with a radar, you could scan the crowd from different angles and figure out exactly where the loudest singers are, where groups of people are talking, and where it’s completely quiet. In a similar way, BioRSP helps scientists "scan" groups of cells to find out which ones are "singing" (expressing genes) the loudest, which ones are "whispering," and which ones are silent. This tool is super important for discovering new insights about how cells work together in tissues, like in our hearts or brains. Basically, I wanted it to be a completely new way to visualize and analyze spatial gene expression patterns. Currently, prelim results show that it outperforms traditional methods, like Polar Gini Curves, in detecting subtle and significant spatial patterns. I've also successfully used in a case study involving neonatal mouse heart tissue
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I'm incredibly proud of this project, and I’m excited to share it with y'all FINALLY see how it can help researchers - I also published this as an actual preprint ( (yes yes actually im legit researcher now much wow) GitHub: Arcade: (if u get my project, I rly hope you can vote for it LAWL I submitted 2 projects that I felt were the most meaningful and technically me-representing instead of 20 coughs)
possibly the strangest art project i've made! i have an weird obsession with the orange trident gum flavour and i was just goofing around one day with the packaging when i got the most random idea ever. ✨ the gum room ✨ (
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), a goofy mini room with a bed, table, closet and other stuff made with a very interesting materials... gum boxes, gum wrappers, and gum ofc (most of it soft-ifyed in a bowl of water with chopsticks ok). i hope you enjoy, i guess? (also since the slack image limit is 10, im adding one more in the thread of the very beginning)
Maybe you don’t use Spotify but you want a way to share what you’re listening to? Or what if you want to share the Steam game you’re playing? Look no further than @SlickStats ! You visit the app home to connect it to your account and then input your and Steam API keys for your status to magically update with what you’re listening to or playing! I spent a looong time working on OAuth for this, but I’m really happy that it’s finally done. I’m open for suggestions of other services to add! One caveat: your automatic huddle status will get overwritten because it’s not technically a status - I’ll fix this eventually It’s all open source at if you want to check it out!
🎉 The first movement of the Celestial Suite is done! 🎉 I've been composing a symphony orchestra arrangement of the Celeste OST by Lena Raine as I have admired her work for a long time now, and wanted to try a little bit of orchestral scoring, which I've never done before. The first movement is based off the Prologue chapter of the game. Score: Video:
i finally finished it!
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i made a book from scratch containing all the amazing tales from #C06RQ9TTEG3|! introducing ✨tales from the trail ✨, a hand-made book that i binded with leather and some old-looking paper. i wrote about the AWESOME experiences that we had out there in the woods and all the amazing cool friends i made! btw tail is by far the best group! and the best part i think was the fun little 3d paper gadget things (tent that you can open and there are two sleeping bags inside), tiny lake dioramas (blue hot glue basically), pop-ups (a very wonky looking bear and FIRE!!) and other trinket stuff (like a magnifying glass to inspect people's faces if thats something you like to do)! hope you enjoy! :) fun fact: the book spine has pink himalayan salt hot-glued on for some reason the entire book: repo (including video): btw... another google-doc style recount about EVERYTHING that happened (that i know of) on #C06RQ9TTEG3| is coming soon
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. it's very extensive, and SEVENTY pages
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long . i just gotta organize it and shorten it...
Finally done with my ECS. It's super clean and works well in multi-threaded context! I'm making a minecraft server framework from scratch in rust! To be as fast and robust as possible. So far I've done packets, you can join the world (chunks aren't done) and a lot of stuff is processed ont he server. By completing the ECS, I/We can work on so much more stuff! Would appreciate a star! Thanks! &lt;3
So I made this Arcade android app to track your sessions and view the shop quickly: (You can also find a release there if you want to try it)
#scrapbook I made a browser extension that second guesses your every move. the extension listens to events like text input, or a video playing, or music it triggers a popup with a text which second guesses your move the popup is somewhat irritating but i had enough with this project
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I am open to your opinions and ideas (pardon my slow system in the video
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Finished Modelling my AFS system time to 3d print and start working on the arduino code
Finally made all my planning for my website ready!
Finished a painting of a frog
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💌 #leaders and clubs ship
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💌 i spent the last week working on Leaders Letters, a new blog article page for running advice and sharing stories - from club leaders, for club leaders. this was heavily inspired by purdue hackers blog and @matthew. when i read technicolor last year, my club was nonexistent, my administration had probably blocked me on email, and i was on the verge of quitting. but at a time like this, i somehow stumbled upon this beautiful piece of writing and the words "EVERY SCHOOL NEEDS A HACK CLUB KID". it forced me to realize that my end goal was to create a space for students like me with hacker culture that just didn't exist. okay, maybe i wouldn't wear a hack club sticker cape - but i could definitely be the "hack club kid" at my school. i found a second home in hack club and through the process, was empowered to start a similar ecosystem at my own school. fast forward to today, not only does the miraculous club that i once dreamt of running exist, but we have people like @TishaKaur @ChristianDutton-U04E0LL16MA @AanyaKungwani from that club who have gone on to become a deeper part of hack club through hackathons, #days-of-service (#blossom), #forsyth-hacks
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, & #the-summit
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. we have had huge meetings with successful workshops that have propelled people to join hack club, but mainly a lot of smaller ones that just seem like hanging out with a group of friends and creating projects
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. this year, i had the greatest pleasure of onboarding @PaulKim, @michelle, and @RyanDu-U04QM0MH6TV and we've created an even larger cohort of metro-atlanta hack clubs who are working to create #hack-the-aquarium
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. when i joined hack club, it was something extraordinary and out worldly and allowed me to find "my people". when i became a hack club leader, i was given the platform and tools to help others like me find each other and a school-wide and now city-wide tight-knit community in atlanta. i am just so grateful i took this jump after hearing all the experiences of past leaders. leaders letters is written in next.js
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and tailwind
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and will be updated with monthly leader blog articles or stories that need to be shared. the goal of the site is to serve as a stagnant place for the greatest memoirs that will help boost and inspire future leaders, and in the process allow current leaders to have their voices heard.
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my final ask is if you're a leader who wants to share your story, don't hesitate! send me a DM or make a PR with the instructions in the repository! and more importantly, if you're not a leader, apply to be one and remember that it's never too late to start. trust me, it literally changed my life and every day helps me change others' lives as well.
githubparrot emoji 🔗 huge thank you to @fayd & @ShubhamPatil for moral support and helping me with the website coding. also thank you @matthew for the inspiration (from realizing that technicolor & future letters needed a home). and lastly, thank youuu
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@SarahDowden for the moral support and conversations that kept me sane through the work.
Working on learning react native and ios dev lol
burned out an SMT inductor, did one of the craziest hacks i've ever done, and... it worked (it's that yellow "coil" that i hand-wound in 5 minutes)
Day 100 of #100-days-in-public! WOW. 100 days, 100 posts. This has been quite the interesting journey, which forced me to make progress on my projects & make some cool stuff! Today I worked on my website for boba & wrote some code to make a div container bounce around the screen. Not sure what to add next, any suggestions?
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ship! have you ever wanted to quickly and easily swap profiles with someone else on slack? no??? (i don't believe you) well now you can with Swapper! here to serve all your swapping and prankster needs. Featureing two all new modes: swapper basic where you enter a user id and it swaps profiles with them and swapper advanced (other wise know as cycle mode) where it cycles through an array of slack ids of your chosing Hope y'all enjoy and have fun next 00110000001101000010110100110001 your welcome #impostorkit
Got my blot!!
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i bring you: rizzlang, the language of the future, its based on gen z syntax and basic. Here is an example program that attempts to disprove the collatz conjecture
10 yap "lemme cook"
20 find_out A = 1 run_wit_it 12000000
30 R = 1 + 0
40 G = 0 + 0
50 rizz_up N A
60 vibe_check N = R finna cook 150
70 vibe_check N &lt; A finna cook 150
80 E = N % 2
90 vibe_check E = G finna N = N / 2
100 vibe_check E = R finna cook 120
110 cook 60
120 N = N * 3
130 N = N + 1
140 cook 60
150 swipe_left 
160 yap "nvm i was not cooking bro"
170 kms
currently the language is jit compiled
Best prototype
I learned how to send grants on HCB thanks to @sarthak
Oh no...
It's been a while since I've done a full update on the E-Fidget, so here it is: Version 4 was funded by #onboard, and it didn't quite work out (assorted issues with wiring and the relay-as-haptic-feedback idea) Version 5 was sponsored by PCBWay, and worked quite well with a linear resonant actuator for haptic feedback. Version 6 was a minor revision, with just a few tweaks. Version 7 added rechargeable battery support, but used an obscure, hard-to-source battery and was too expensive to sell easily. Version 8 was a complete redesign, following the same shape, size, and look of V7, but using a different microcontroller and a more common battery. It's still on the way! Now, everyone's favorite part: Pictures! Black is V4, Purple is V6, Blue with the big logo is V7, and other blue is V8!
🚢 WEBSITE SHIP 🚢 New year, new website! I have redesigned it, built with
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! • A modern, clean new design! • A cool Spotify widget based off @itsmingjie’s monolith website. • A white and yellow color palette It is now live at and it's open source on my github (Please ⭐ !).
i played a perfect game of kindless by @Ishan. it took me 3 hours and my left wrist hurts. as far as we are aware i am the first person in the world to achieve this
I've always wanted to build something concrete with Zig. So today I built this CLI that allows you to convert from one timezone to another. Source (+ linux binary in release):
today's scrapbook post is a little bit abstract as i don't have anything to "visibly" show (i cant just leak movie scripts lmao) but Ive come to a sort of impasse in the writing process. Our plot involves multiple conflicts, from existential to personal, and explores the consequences of idolization, climate change, and the worship of technology. these three themes clash with one another of course, since a film only has so much screen-time, but then begs the question of what is most important to speak about. When I wrote the initial plot for this movie, climate change stood at the forefront of my mind, with idolization 2nd and tech worship 3rd. That was almost two years ago. the existential horror of climate change still scares me, but no longer plagues my everyday thought in the way the other topics too. as a result, I have provided band-aid solutions to the storyline as my view on life has changed. This has created the problem where I find myself solving problems that I did not realize existed with the plot, only for new problems to rear their head. it's sort of a wack-a-mole game with plotholes. NOT FUN. I have gotten to the point where we had to ask ourselves, what even is this movie? what are we trying to say, and what do we think will come of the world? after endless deliberation, that question remains unanswered, , , which i guess i shouldnt be suprised by lmao. its an issue to solve- but after some thinking. I would rather tell a story that has a cohesive opinion than one strapped together over the years.
Firmware v1 complete! (loud button sound warning)
🎏 I drew the flag for #flag-referendum! Featuring: pirate Orpheus, doing a salute pose, pointing ahead. I thought about doing it when @KaraMassie asked me whether I was entering or not. I thought about it, then went to the #flag-referendum channel to look around. There, I saw @KrishnaBansal-U03CBNJUWJG’s pirate Orph and immediately got inspired. What if Orph was wearing a pirate hat?? 🏴‍☠️ It was a fantastic idea. Scrolling further up, I saw @LiterallyEverything-U04LNE9HEFK’s saluting Orph - the pose added so much personality to the character. (And, one of my personal design/art principles: ✨ personality ✨ - not always in the literal "character trait" sense, but something that brings life into the art.) Scrolling further up, I saw @JamesXiao-U04EQJ4RRHA's logo - which is genuinely just a well designed logo. It fits both the tech and boat vibes - so why not replace the traditional pirate skull on the pirate hat with it? I've honestly just taken in a lot of inspiration from everyone who has submitted a flag, even if it's not as obvious as the ones I've listed above. As @cwalker says, it was truely a community effort and couldn't have been made without the rest of y'all. So thank you all!! I hope you enjoy the flag as much as I had fun drawing it
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Dear Scrappy, work
Last weekend I did a camping trip with my friends where the theme was "Bring Every Vehicle". We brought my Prius, a RAV4, a Subaru Outback, 2 razor scooters, a stand-up paddleboard, a pair of off-road motorcycles, my boat, and an airplane! Here are some of my favorite photos from the trip:
SPARK TAUGHT ME HOW TO CODE (NOT SPONSORED) aka dumb kid learns to code in 24 hours bc of cool spark leader!!
We’re seven weeks out from Outernet! It’s time to make the event a reality. I arrived in Vermont tonight and thought it’d be nice to start a video diary of the event’s behind-the-scenes, here’s “Episode Zero”.