obsidian-md emoji

Posts tagged with :obsidian-md:

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I organized my Obsidian notes into Folders yesterday!
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Made some connectivity updates to my vault
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(it’s looking like a cauliflower
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Was bored so I wrote a guide for ppl who want to generate obsidian notes from gcal 🙂
small update, but got my obsidian daily notes to work with the obsidian columns plugin (it’s a miracle that templater doesn’t choke on the `` symbols littered throughout the template document). Looks pretty clean! Also loving the current theme I’m using (Ultra Lobster)
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I did a new PR
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for #some-assembly-required!
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Also my stickers are on their way! 📦 Tomorrow I'll work on my PR to add Spanish to Quartz! 🪴
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#10-days-in-public the aftermath (10/10) Yesterday’s song release was rly successful! 67+ plays and a ton of positive feedback 🥰 I didn’t really do much today besides doing some lab analysis and setting up more obsidian stuff, still on that high from yesterday LOL Regardless, here’s to a finished #10-days-in-public!
Day 2/10 of #10-days-in-public! I’m working to rebuild my personal website, zachlatta.com, over the next 10 days with the key new feature being the ability to render content from a subset of my notes in Obsidian. Today I focused on getting the script I wrote to separate out my Obsidian notes into a separate repo deployed to a server and running every 15 seconds. I ran into some tricky issues around authentication, but got it working! All the public notes are now being pushed to github.com/zachlatta/public-notes. Next step is to build out the new Next.js site to render those notes on zachlatta.com in a nice clean way. I’m also thinking of adding some sort of GitHub commit chart-esque visual to the new site, and perhaps a streak mechanism too.
Day 1/10 of #10-days-in-public! Over the next 10 days, I’m focusing on rebuilding my personal website. The key new feature I’m building in the new site is a way to publish content directly out of my private Obsidan notes repo by adding #public to any note. Today I finished the filter-and-sync.sh script that filters the public files out of my private Obsidian repo and copies them to a public repo that will be rendered by the new static site I’m building for zachlatta.com. I also got it running in Docker, and wrote a timer script to repeatedly run the sync process every 15 seconds. Once this is deployed, I’ll be able to add #public to any file in my Obsidian notes, and that file will be pushed and deployed to my website within 15 seconds! So if the file in my Obsidian repo is called “Test.md”, the URL it will be publicly available at will be zachlatta.com/test Excited to see the progress everyone else makes today! You can see the work I did today and my progress here: github.com/zachlatta/zachlatta.com/tree/80001986425894a8948b2a7d044b410978d56a94/public-notes-sync
Working on a new personal site! I’m trying to build a way to publish what I’m writing directly from Obisidan, without having to commit anything (and while allowing some notes to stay private).
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Web annotations in Obsidian!
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Notion-style notes in Obsidian!
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exhaustive list
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trying to figure out what i think of Obsidian
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Today I'm learning how to make a graph view like in Obsidian!
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, this is for my bit left but not abandoned digital garden project 🌱 , also I'm working on the Generative Art workshop!
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This is so amazing, I'm still learning how to make different patterns but this is very fun to try! I would like to implement AI to this on a project, but to do that I'll have to finish other things first!