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Posts tagged with :prisma:

Let's do a quick showdown of what's been cooking for #C07NUNPGEU8| during the week of September 22 to 28, Philippines Standard Time. Apologies if this week's been a hell week due to being the 1st quarterly exam on the 25th and 26th day of September, 2024. The bulk of the coding hours in the week are dedicated to building the MVP features for the Slack app version of Recap Time Bot, our multi-purpose toolkit/service account/bot for Recap Time Squad's projects and friends, including hooking up Prisma ORM for Postgres data presistence on Nest (instead of coping up with the Airtable free tier limits) and building up some workflows via TypeScript Slack app development work (permission requests for accessing some bot features and slash commands). See the attached screenshots for a sneak peek. The rest is mostly infrastructure related work for both my personal and Recap Time Squad cloud resources (mainly Cloudflare DNS records over octoDNS and some Docker Compose shenanigans), plus some behind the scenes work for my website powered by Material for Mkdocs theme. Overall, I banked 10h 11m as of time of writing (up to the publication of this scrapbook entry), totaling to 14h 46m since September 17 (plus 10m designing for fun and profit) without the 'browsing' hours. See the thread for details on the stats.
I finally shipped my project 'Chatty' Its a fullstack discord clone with real time messaging Made with nextjs, shadcn, tailwind,, prisma, postgresql, It has responsive ui, with light and dark themes, Server creation, channel management.etc, tried to replicate major features of discord If you'd like, join the existing server I created using this link Review this app and if you have any cool features in mind, just shoot me a dm... GitHub Live url: Note: -In the app voice and video calling requires a websocket connection between client and server all the time whereas vercel (where I deployed to) uses serverless architecture. Hence those features won't work -For realtime chat updates I've added constant polling as fallback for websockets(if no websocket connection) hence maintains realtime status Hence, To see app's full features set this up locally using instructions provided in readme. PFA screenshots of app:
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Ship! :shipitparrot: 🚢 #arcade I made a zapier-like automation tool ! It currently only works with notion, slack, google drive and discord. It was a really really complicated project, sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt. I tested it on different accounts and all of them create new sorts of problems. It's honestly a hit and trial thing, I really suggest you try it out, it might work for you ! While making this, Clerk has been an absolute pain to interface with my db. The part that I really love about this project is the workflow editor which is made with reactflow ! (most of the stuff in the ui is for decoration only, even the essential stuff aint working :skull-hole: , blame prisma or something) STACK: DB: Neon ORM: Prisma Framework: Next.js Bucket Storage: Uploadcare Auth: Clerk TBD: Setting up billing with Stripe (I dont feel like doing this bcz im not confident the automations work :blob_hehe:, blame webhooks now) Live: GitHub:
Release candidate for my FRC team management tool: • Uses Prisma ORM with a Postgres database • Heavy slack integration to make the experience as integrated as possible • Easily customizable Google Sheets frontend
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Devlog: Progress is being made at golinks v2, although roadblocks are being experienced in storing Slack bot tokens at Cloudflare D1 via Prisma at the moment. I expect to fully implement the bare bones within this week, among other things.
Hey 👋, I focussed me today on working at a page for users to create articles how to fix things on my email provider [selfmail]( A user can now create and delete a post. A mod is able to delete this post too. I made this project using prisma and nextjs and the platform is completely open source avaiable as a monorepo. I plan to improve the ui and the user experience later.
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No official submission from #arcade for today (god why I do this before 3 AM PHT), but currently working on implementing configuration stuff for dotenv-tools CLI, as well as doing a TypeScript rewrite of my golinks Cloudflare worker with sqlite involved (via D1) and Prisma ORM. What could possibly go wrong?
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Post 15 Papaya: A collaborative notes application built with TypeScript, JWT/Bcrypt, Express, Prisma, and PostgreSQL. It allows users to register, log in, create, update, delete, and share notes with other users. Users can also manage their profiles, update passwords, and search for notes. Check out the server and detailed documentation @
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Today I’ve built the todo app in two new frameworks: • Svelte • Next (With prisma and drizzle) I’ve probably finished the ideas of new frameworks
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Another project I made today was rewriting my old and messy javascript bot into a new stack using Bun, Prisma, Typescript and Docker. That's a discord bot to listen and forward minecraft plugin updates from the SpigotMC marketplace.
Today I continued my streak of coding todo apps in different frameworks, that's the turn of Nuxtjs and Angular. The nuxt version is ready with Prisma database and also authentication. The angular version is still not totally finished
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Today I wrote a simple todo app using React Native to try out the new Expo API Routes system with Prisma. Next step will be adding authentication to the backend
Day 1 of #15-days-in-public Added club creation functionality to my club dashboard! At the end I’ve spotted a little bug where I’ve not added the user to the club they created, whoops! Please don’t mind the CSS, I was fighting Prisma for ages on this lol
Club dash progress! Just been working on a Navbar. I forgot how to CSS :grimacing-hole: Clubs have been manually created for now (prisma studio <3), but on the navbar you can now select the club you want to view the feed for. If unauthed, it defaults to global and the dropdown doesn't exist
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Started a new project! A dashboard for managing my club Setup a new Next app with Prisma and auth (mostly done but not enough to commit)
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It's been a while since I've done my #scrapbook, but that's likely because #hack-hour is a lot superior (I'm kidding! or am I?) - I'm working on a massive overhaul running on my new bestie Prisma :prisma: - stay tuned!
🇨🇦 Hack The North 2023! @ImDeet-U045B4BQ2T0, @fayd and I teamed up to make :goose-dance: Hack The Geese :goose-honk-left:! It was a game that attendees could play using the QR codes on their badges. Here’s how’d it work: 1. You’d scan your badge’s QR code to log in. 2. Your find someone who you’d like to compete against and scan their badge’s QR code. 3. You’d both receive a prompt, eg. “take a selfie with a someone with blue hair”. 4. You’d race to take a fun picture based on the prompt before the other player does. 5. You either win or lose, then you got to choose wether or not to rematch! You can go to to see all the photos that folks took during demos with the game (and many more of me stressing over the backend)! We used a slightly cursed combination of a Next.js frontend and a backend written in Go which interacted with one another through Websockets…. yeah, very cursed and very jank. We also used Vercel’s new Postgres & Blob storage services which were surprisingly good. And, of course, we used Prisma…. including it’s slightly hacky spin-off Go client. Another awesome part of the game was @ImDeet-U045B4BQ2T0’s custom designed geese (GEESE!): :htn-goose-1: :htn-goose-2: :htn-goose-3: :htn-goose-4: :htn-goose-5: :htn-goose-6: :htn-goose-7: :htn-goose-8: :htn-goose-9: :htn-goose-10: Every player got one of these made for them when they first signed! The game was a bunch of fun to play IRL and we had people playing it throughout the demo session. Attached is a sick selfie of @fayd in his sunnies and the judge! And at the end of the day, somehow, we were selected as winners so we got to demo on stage and won a couple of prizes which was pretty cool! Here’s us playing a game with all the attendees and a couple of other photos from the weekend (including us working on the project while on #hack-night!). The GitHub is full of more photos and stories from the weekend: O CANADA!
🔗 It was a little difficult figuring out what event people came from when they joined the slack. But, gone are the days of pre-filling the welcome reason or sending them a DM. As Angelhacks got a little closer, after talking with some people, I thought it would make more sense to have a new parameter on the join form that would keep track of where they came from, add them to the right channels automatically, and give them a chance to introduce themselves with the welcome reason. For example, if you joined from, or something like or any future event, Toriel will check for the event name in it's transcript, and add you to #angelhacks, and so forth. It was my first time working with :prisma: Prisma and some :nextjs: stuff , and I have to say they're both supper cool and fun to work with (well for the most part, this took me longer than I would like to admit :p)
day 3/3 for WHW : prisma, data, api, stuff -
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day 1/10 of #10-days-in-public , i setup the whole environment/repo for my app. It’s using go on the backend + next on the frontend. Additionally it uses prisma client go as the ORM & fiber. thought this would be a fun way to get better at golang :gopher:
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made a little script to move airtable records to a db with prisma, and met up with @reesericci today
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Day 4 of #10-days-in-public. I setup nexus prisma (, and I faced an issue setting it up but fortunately I fixed it I also started creating a basic mock-up for our web dashboard so I have something to build off of, since we already have a colorscheme and an idea of what our web dashboard will look like it shouldn’t be too hard to implement. I plan to start building the web dashboard on either day 5 or day 6.
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#10-days-in-public (day 3) hi :hyper-dino-wave: I deployed our backend to today. We have credits so I decided to take advantage of that (our stack for our backend is typescript, fastify, graphql & prisma if you are curious) i made progress on the github auth for our web dashboard (not ready just yet)
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Today, I tried out :redwoodjs:RedwoodJS for the first (I’m planning to start using it in a new project!). As I was playing around, I made this small website that housed a collection of dinosaur images! It was interesting messing around with Redwood’s generators & how Redwood uses Prisma. 🌲 Into the redwoods I go...
migrating all the HA stuff to prisma + cockroachdb
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I re-wrote my website again and added a Guestbook which uses Prisma and Postgres.
Today starts May! And that means my birthday 🍰 🎂 is in two weeks! :parrotdad: :tw_spiral_calendar_pad: Here's as well a picture of a plant 🌱 I took today and a very awesome picture of my new Scrapbook CSS Stylesheet! :css: This is the most complex design I've done for it: It includes a custom background with a texture, gradients, special sized borders with a cool :cooll-dino: red color #EC2F3A I did with the hexadecimal value, and great Pseudo-elements like :before and :after! Also thanks to the #scrapbook Prisma/Postgres:prisma: :postgres: database I learned that I have a 210 days streak! And speaking again on this, here's my Scrapbook website and the GitHub :github: Gist! Feel free to star ⭐ it if you like it!
@msw & I have been updating Slash-Z to use Prisma
nextjs stickers finally came
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learnin go, postgreSQL, and prisma by making a neat little project with it :cooll-thumbs:
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As some of you may know, Scrappy recently went on an eventful holiday (read the story in #scrapbook)! 🎉 Luckily, Scrappy is back and better*! It’s internal storage unit has been updated to switch from the Airtable Store-a-tron v0.1 to the PostgreSQL Prisma Flexi-tron! The old store-a-tron was showing a big :warn: so we need to change before we had to shill out a ton of money for an enterprise variant. (this has been something i’ve been pushing through working on since last month and i’m so glad it’s finished, if you haven’t picked up Scrappy and Scrapbook now runs on PostgreSQL and Prisma, source at & the Flexi-tron is known to be buggy, so if you run into any issues please please ping me and let me know so I can fix everything up, thanks :D
I’ve been hacking on Scrappy (:prisma: :postgres: 👀), just testing I haven’t broken them in the mean time
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did some prisma + next js finagling!
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been working on converting my discord bot Porygon from js to ts for the past week. this is what my file structure currently looks like. it's really fun and i'm learning a lot about TypeScript, Prisma, and PostgreSQL.
i recorded my Prisma Day talk and they had this epic setup :0
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Prisma is amazing, now I don't have to have my database models in three different places, all slightly different
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