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Posts tagged with :typescript:

Working on tsre, a JavaScript and TypeScript reverse engineering tool. It uses Putout to parse the JavaScript, and then feeds it bit by bit into AI to guess identifier names automatically! Currently, it is able to turn this:
function y(b){return(b-32)*5/9}function z(b){return b*9/5+32}function A(b){return b-273.15}function B(b){return b+273.15}for await(let b of console){if(!b||b==="exit")break;const[,q,w,x]=b.match(/(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*([fkc])\s*(?:in|to)\s*([fkc])/i)||[];if(!q||!w||!x){console.log("Invalid input");continue}const j=parseFloat(q);let g;switch(w.toLowerCase()+x.toLowerCase()){case"fc":g=y(j);break;case"cf":g=z(j);break;case"kc":g=A(j);break;case"ck":g=B(j);break;default:console.log("Invalid conversion");continue}console.log(g)}
Into this:

function convertFahrenheitToCelsius(fahrenheitTemperature) {
  return ((fahrenheitTemperature - 32) * 5) / 9;

function convertCelsiusToFahrenheit(celsiusTemperature) {
  return (celsiusTemperature * 9) / 5 + 32;

function convertKelvinToCelsius(kelvinTemperature) {
  return kelvinTemperature - 273.15;

function convertCelsiusToKelvin(celsiusTemperature) {
  return celsiusTemperature + 273.15;

for await (let consoleLogEntries of console) {
  if (!consoleLogEntries || consoleLogEntries === "exit") break;

  const [, temperatureValue, matchedTemperatureValue, matchedTemperature] =
    ) || [];

  if (!temperatureValue || !matchedTemperatureValue || !matchedTemperature) {
    console.log("Invalid input");

  const parsedTemperature = parseFloat(temperatureValue);
  let g;

  switch (
    matchedTemperatureValue.toLowerCase() + matchedTemperature.toLowerCase()
  ) {
    case "fc":
      g = convertFahrenheitToCelsius(parsedTemperature);

    case "cf":
      g = convertCelsiusToFahrenheit(parsedTemperature);

    case "kc":
      g = convertKelvinToCelsius(parsedTemperature);

    case "ck":
      g = convertCelsiusToKelvin(parsedTemperature);

      console.log("Invalid conversion");

typescript emoji
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small updates to songify, which finds a random song based off of artist or can find a specific song based off a title. updated js to typescript and dealt with some small bugs ^^ github.com/idksarah/Songify
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Only Once This is a little slack-game?? kinda, its a bot that controls a channel, in the channel anyone can join through #C07JGDNQ91U| to be added to the private channel, there if you send a message someone else has sent before or above 300 characters, youll get banned. It uses an sqlite database and boltjs on typescript. Also theres a logs channel #C07JQF74HQT|. It's hosted on Nest. You can try it now in #C07JGDNQ91U| github.com/v1ctorio/slack-only-once
I completed my project CodeSync- which is a collaborative realtime online code editor made with react,typescript and (one of my fav things) websockets, monaco-editor(for nice and clean editor) As this app heavily uses web sockets, we cannot deploy this on services which use serverless architecture( got to know via stackoverflow) as websockets need fullduplex connection present all the time , hence I used render to deploy this app Github: github.com/jignesh119/CodeSync Live Url: codesync-yim8.onrender.com if the app is down or websockets fail, I strongly suggest u set this app locally following readme to see apps full features try out the app, ping me when the deployment is down, render does that to save resources, as I'm using free plan
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FORMUFLASH I made a flashcard app aimed at spanish-speaking STEM students supporting LaTeX and Markdown (also images) syntax allowing complete control over the appearance and content of flashcards. The content is writen in Spanish as I aim to promote it and gain a userbase and the Spanish market was nonexistent (sorry english speakers, you will need google translate). Made with a django-rest backend with postgreSQL, react ts frontend and nginx as a reverse proxy. It (django and nginx )has been deployed to as individual serverless containers to gcp cloud run, it is then managed by a load balancer. This was started before I joined arcade (it has taken waaaay more hours than hours im submiting) You can access it through formuflash.com, formuflash.com(if I don't have SSL setup) (or formuflash-frontend-qkflfm2o5q-no.a.run.app, if the first link doesn't work, I don't have the domain setup yet,). To save on costs it is deployed as on demand so it might take 5-10 seconds for it to boot up. You can check the code out at: github.com/carlos-lorenzo/formuflash
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typescript emoji
I am actually rewriting the entire codebase for dotenv-tools CLI in TypeScript on Deno and even moved into its own repository under Recap Time Squad after a month of hiatus (well school and other things in a nutshell for those who asked). I bet I'll be working on this after Arcade to make sure it's at least I do config parsing and other stuff. Sneak around mau.dev/recaptime-dev/dotenv-tools (also mirroring on GitHub at github.com/recaptime-dev/dotenv-tools) for install docs and feel free to send patches. 🙂
Feature-rich Discord.js bot with TypeScript: • Customizable Prefixes: Tailor the bot's command prefix for each server. • Hybrid Commands: Support for various command types with built-in permission handling. • Easy Slash Command Deployment: Quickly deploy slash commands with minimal setup. github.com/tobycm/typescript-discord-bot-template
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Hey, I've made a site for my project called PacketEvents using Typescript & React. I've added to the landing page & embarked some work on subpages such as a FAQ & a Blog page: github.com/retrooper/packetevents-site
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In the past 2 days I finished: Storing the document from the frontend to the backend Improving the toolbar functionality Writing contributor guidelines and setting up auto formatting for the repository This is for my website SciBind, a Next.js website made with Typescript and Tailwind CSS combined with a Django/Python backend/database. This is a website to make it easier for Science Olympiad students to make binders/cheat sheets with all sorts of features at their hands, and I have opened it up to community contribution. Here is the link to the repo: github.com/CrazeXD/SciBind !
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Printed out the gyomei axe i was working on (ts hella big). My friend needed it for cosplay but we couldnt get the costume in time
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Hey everyone, I think I’ve reached a point in my game jam that I consider a checkpoint. I have fully implemented character motion, added enemies, and implemented a functioning mini-map, and camera following. It has taken me a while to get this far, but I learned a lot of web dev skills, and understood how beneficial typescript is for creating something as complex as what I’m designing. Here’s a quick demo
Made a moderation bot for discord with discordjs and typescript :P
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I made an 'embed generator' in astro.js and typescript. The embed generator can generate embeds for Slack, Discord, and WhatsApp, through a simple YouTube or TikTok link. Will probably add some more in the future! Repo: github.com/Naainz/Embed-Gen
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Hi! I made a User management system, a simple project I used Node.js and Typescript to develop the API, and the front-end was developed with Reactjs and Vite.js. Github repository or Live project
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finished a drawing of taylor swift at the 2023 grammys; the purpose of this art piece was mainly to get practice drawing people. repo: github.com/coraljellyfish/art-ts
I rewrote my inter computer messaging application (basically lightweight chat but optimized for quickly copying things between computers) in rust and typescript, and packaged it up into a container image on the Github container registry: github.com/grimsteel/send-to-computer
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This discord bot was for the discord server RepTronics. It was created as a way for buyers to decide what chip they should get, give links and contact details for sellers, and small other things, like it's ability to load cogs that can do various things, and the /ts survey. Took a while to get right, and I'm thankful I'm finally done so I can sleep haha 💤 ps: if you want to see the bot in action, go to the RepTronics discord server (bot deployed, just need to unprivate the bot commands channel! github.com/N1k0s1/RepTronics-Discord-Bot
My portfolio I was able to finish my new portfolio remake. This project was done with nextjs, content-collections, typescript and sugar-high. You can see the ready product here: henri.gg. I hope you all like this project, it took some time but is now a lot better than the old one. Please note, that this project it not ready for phones. Here is the GitHub link: github.com/i-am-henri/henri and this is the preview: (The image of the guy is for now only a stock foto)
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Today, I (mostly) finished the event selection logic behind my Science Olympiad Binder/Cheatsheet creation website, SciBind. I am building this project in Next.js and Django (Python), with TypeScript, TailwindCSS, DaisyUI, and more. The event selection logic allows students to select which events they are participating in, and an object will appear in the database for the allowed materials. Repo: github.com/CrazeXD/Scioly-Binder-Software
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created a project which dynamically writes your resume in bun + typescript! :D this could fetch information from an external site and add that to your resume (e.g. number of git repos and stuff) github.com/rayhanadev/dyno-resume/tree/main
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typescript emoji
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github.com/unsignd/uuuui uuuui.vercel.app I made an open-source React Typescript component library (it's my part THREE scrapbook because i worked on 100+ sessions for this project, but I didnt know that I have to upload my ongoing project in scrapbook every 3-4 sessions. hackclub.slack.com/archives/C077TSWKER0/p1719971969854009) 6/25 - manage backend system for deploying web service's backend 6/25 - enabling auth and connect the db on my server via ssh 6/25 - enabling auth and connect the db on my server via ssh IGNORE THESE THREE PLEASE. SORRY FOR ADDING SESSIONS NOT RELATED TO THE PROJECT
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i have made a simple web app, where the cook can make a shaworma and the users can buy it. It's a simple web app made for fun, it's the first version, and i hope i can improve it in the future. Github: github.com/mihai888nextlab/tema-shaorma-razvanel The project is made with Next.js. I also used typescript and tailwindcss.
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Made a simple Sprig RPG in TypeScript called Sprig Dungeons (very original, I know). It's available to play online at the Sprig gallery.
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I built my first TypeScript project, a Slack bot that can export and mirror Docker images. I made it for mirroring images to a registry I set up on the Boreal Express server. slashtechno/ts-bot • Clone an image to the private registry with /clone-docker-image <image> ◦ Example: /clone-docker-image library/hello-world:latest • Export an image to the export directory with /clone-docker-image <image> ◦ Example: /export-docker-image library/hello-world:latest
Flexi is a web app made with SvelteKit and Supabase designed for a school to manage flex periods and share opportunities with students. It aims to make the process of signing up for flex classes easier for both students and teachers, removing the unnecessary and incredibly time-consuming process currently associated with the current outdated and costly system. It also allows for school-wide announcements and featured flex opportunities to be shared with students. Flexi is still in active development, here is the link: github.com/BrandonKirbyson/Flexi
No official submission from #arcade for today (god why I do this before 3 AM PHT), but currently working on implementing configuration stuff for dotenv-tools CLI, as well as doing a TypeScript rewrite of my golinks Cloudflare worker with sqlite involved (via D1) and Prisma ORM. What could possibly go wrong?
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Vicweb, my personal website It is available at vic.nosesisaid.com, its my personal website which has like info about me and also collects info from my telegram channel and put them as posts, also it will work like a kind of blog that lets me create post using markdown files. This project uses 3 GitHub repos, why? because I chose to use the languages that I know the less and kept doing dumb stuff. I chose to make the backend part on rust (a language in which I have zero experience) so yeah, I know how to do basic stuff but sub processes and async stuff with tokio completely took me. So yeah sorry for that, Im used to typescript. The website has a kind of minimal style only with text but I like that. One for the front, other for the backend and the final for the import for importing old messages from my telegram channel, using the MTProto API github.com/v1ctorio/vicweb github.com/v1ctorio/vicwebsync github.com/v1ctorio/vicwebimport
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Post 15 Papaya: A collaborative notes application built with TypeScript, JWT/Bcrypt, Express, Prisma, and PostgreSQL. It allows users to register, log in, create, update, delete, and share notes with other users. Users can also manage their profiles, update passwords, and search for notes. Check out the server and detailed documentation @ github.com/shrysjain/papaya
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Curlyk is a web application that allows users to view movies. It is built using React, TypeScript, and Vite. The application uses the The Movie Database to fetch movie data. github.com/TauAdam/curlyk curlyk.vercel.app
I made a library for accessing and using the Hack Club Arcade API in typescript! This library automatically accounts for ratelimits with the ratelimit headers returned in responses and will be published to npm very soon! For now, here’s the repository if you are interested: github.com/TBHGodPro/Hack-Club-JS
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