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Posts tagged with :yay:

Hello everyone! I created a SvelteKit, TailwindCSS, and Socket.IO powered website called Devarsh's Maths. This website contains utilities, games, and a special game called Mathex. Mathex is a competition where teams from different schools compete to solve questions as fast as possible. Teams are usually comprised of 4 people, and one of them is a runner who runs to the marker and back to get results. The team to solve the questions first wins. :tw_globe_with_meridians: Website: maths.devarsh.me (Hosted on Nest!) :github: GitHub: github.com/webdev03/maths
UI and Auth done for quiz/learning website! Yay Yay
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UI and Auth done for quiz/learning website! Yay Yay
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Starting work on my pizza delivery service in Python. First code commit here: github.com/leowilkin/python-pizza/commit/0e6c89765202e7363c90f735002b62f389ad0ee1 Project overview! # Python Pizza Python CLI Pizza inventory & ordering system! ## Features - [ ] Ability to start a new customer order - [ ] Allows multiple pizzas to be ordered - [ ] Takes in relevant information about the pizza order - [ ] Calculates the subtotal, and shows the ongoing total of the entire order - [ ] Have discount codes with different levels of discount - [ ] Voucher system - [ ] Choose method of payment - cash/card/voucher - [ ] 'Print' receipt - [ ] Ability to check ingredients stock - [ ] Add ingredient stock - [ ] Staff clock-in/clock-out - [ ] Check previous orders ## Nice to haves - [ ] Staff sign-in - [ ] Web interface ## License This work is under the MIT licence. Leo Wilkin 2024
new logo yay
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I laser cut medals from wood, attached them to ribbons, and shipped them off across the country with friends for a contest we ran a few months ago 🙂 (also 3d printed trophies!) files: github.com/swan-07/lexso-2024-models/tree/mai
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ever wondered how cooked you are? well i made a cooked meter to tell you how cooked you are check it out here: cooked.jeffz.dev ! cool features: • sharing • spinny dial thing • funny cooked levels yay github.com/jeffrey-zang/cooked-meter
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It's #scrapbook time. Yay! So what I can show you today isn't much. You may saw my Post yesterday where I showed the Search functionality, that I implemented in my App that searches through all of the books that my local library has. Then @EdwardD had the wonderful idea that I could save the books to a local Database instead of sending a search request to the server an then scraping all of the information from the site. Then I added the database and when I wanted to download the data from the website of my library there was one problem. It would take about 4h to update the Database and you can't do that on a phone. So I made this simple js Script: github.com/Sajeg/olibrary-db-updater/blob/master/fetchData.js that is executed through GitHub actions once a week and then the Data is being uploaded to library.sajeg.org/data.json so that my app can just download the .json file and update the local database. Now I need to wait about one hour and then finally GitHub actions is finished: github.com/Sajeg/olibrary-db-updater/actions/runs/9712662599/job/26807855608 . Here is the GitHub repo: github.com/Sajeg/olibrary-db-updater
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I'm done upgrading my programming language, Iris, which specializes in making a text-based adventure game! Now, it is Turing-complete and ready for the langjam!!!! :yay: #arcade #scrapbook
#arcade Finished with my Bin project! :yay: It's a clock that displays the time as a product of its prime factors inspired by this xkcd comic This is the finished clock: wokwi.com/projects/400199259002725377
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Arcade vs code extension update :yay: if you don't know what this it, it's a simple extension that adds the arcade timer to the bottom right of your editor to help you keep track of the time left. the extension now notifies you when your session starts/ends/pauses you'll also get a handy reminder if you're coding but haven't started a session yet these are now configurable via vs code's configuration menus and lastly, it no longer forces you to reload vs code when an error occurs with the api, it now tries to fix itself in most cases! if you haven't yet, you should give it a try! it's been helping me a lot :arcade: marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=samdev.arcade-vsc github.com/samdev-7/arcade-vsc
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the api seems to work a bit, and bot's ai feature with claude works too, yay
updated the site again wooo
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Reverse (semantic) image search in discord! Find pictures from your server with just a text prompt. This milestone gets it to the 1.0 state and does the following: • Terminal colors for the indexer • Fix a bunch of model loading stuff • Allow the indexer to resume after bot downtime • Increase indexer thread count • Add event handlers for everything (new messages, edits, deletions post bot start) • Add message links for searched images github.com/Ednaordinary/Vesta/commit/7e0c5af8436ac8d3302d79c2e001db20ca8cb0c4
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Day 12 of #15-days-in-public (also arcade hour yay) Generalized my gun class and made the properties tweakable. Also added a shotgun (pretend the smg model is a shotgun :D) Will probably add the models once i figure out 3d modelling and whatnot
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First day as a Hacktern :yay:
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:sahiti-watches-sword: :shipitparrot: personal website ship incoming :sahiti-watches-sword: :shipitparrot: i've just made the official v2 of my personal website! final site can be found: sahiti.vercel.app :goose-honk-right: (bye-bye sahiti-personal-website-v1.vercel.app). the entire site took around 15ish hours to make (i re-coded the entire thing 3 times, if you've been following along in #scrapbook) i am so so happy with how it looks, and also with how much i learned by myself to code this website with next.js :nextjs: and tailwind :tailwind: (the best languages, don't tell me otherwise). and yes, before you ask @sarthak it IS mobile friendly :) some of my fav parts of site: • click & draggable tooltip feature on description wording • animated icons on hover • click on da boat :paper-boat: for a surprise 🔗 site: <https://sahiti.vercel.app/|https://sahiti.vercel.app/> :figma: figma designs: www.figma.com/design/UkiYvZsqy8yjBtdW9c61lE/personal-website-design-v4?node-id=0-1&t=L0ZlhqaQzIQ8c6I5-1 :githubparrot: github: github.com/sahitid/sahiti-personal-website-v2 thank you @sarthak_,_ @zoyashussain_,_ @RyanDu-U04QM0MH6TV_,_ #hack-hour and everyone else who helped me with design iterations through this wild wild process.
Still up Yay
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Yay Longest up streak Last streak was two days
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Made a better than google chat ai summary thing with phi3-instruct-128k 😃 as a discord bot as part of my new monolith (no more single purpose bots yay) also made a less useful reply with ai feature to make unhelpful posts
#hack-hour its my first scrapbook post yay!! i forgot to bank in my hours so here’s how the embroidery and digital art is going (nvm turns out u can only bank 1 at a time)
working on my arduino project :hedgehog_sleep:
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:shipitparrot: 💌 #leaders and clubs ship :shipitparrot: 💌 i spent the last week working on Leaders Letters, a new blog article page for running advice and sharing stories - from club leaders, for club leaders. this was heavily inspired by purdue hackers blog and @matthew. when i read technicolor last year, my club was nonexistent, my administration had probably blocked me on email, and i was on the verge of quitting. but at a time like this, i somehow stumbled upon this beautiful piece of writing and the words "EVERY SCHOOL NEEDS A HACK CLUB KID". it forced me to realize that my end goal was to create a space for students like me with hacker culture that just didn't exist. okay, maybe i wouldn't wear a hack club sticker cape - but i could definitely be the "hack club kid" at my school. i found a second home in hack club and through the process, was empowered to start a similar ecosystem at my own school. fast forward to today, not only does the miraculous club that i once dreamt of running exist, but we have people like @TishaKaur @ChristianDutton-U04E0LL16MA @AanyaKungwani from that club who have gone on to become a deeper part of hack club through hackathons, #days-of-service (#blossom), #forsyth-hacks :forsyth-hacks-2-bolt:, & #the-summit :leaders-summit:. we have had huge meetings with successful workshops that have propelled people to join hack club, but mainly a lot of smaller ones that just seem like hanging out with a group of friends and creating projects :taco-dance:. this year, i had the greatest pleasure of onboarding @PaulKim, @michelle, and @RyanDu-U04QM0MH6TV and we've created an even larger cohort of metro-atlanta hack clubs who are working to create #hack-the-aquarium :ocean-magic_wand:. when i joined hack club, it was something extraordinary and out worldly and allowed me to find "my people". when i became a hack club leader, i was given the platform and tools to help others like me find each other and a school-wide and now city-wide tight-knit community in atlanta. i am just so grateful i took this jump after hearing all the experiences of past leaders. leaders letters is written in next.js :nextjs: and tailwind :tailwind: and will be updated with monthly leader blog articles or stories that need to be shared. the goal of the site is to serve as a stagnant place for the greatest memoirs that will help boost and inspire future leaders, and in the process allow current leaders to have their voices heard. :heart-eng: my final ask is if you're a leader who wants to share your story, don't hesitate! send me a DM or make a PR with the instructions in the repository! and more importantly, if you're not a leader, apply to be one and remember that it's never too late to start. trust me, it literally changed my life and every day helps me change others' lives as well. :githubparrot: github.com/sahitid/leaders-letters 🔗 hackclub.com/letters huge thank you to @fayd & @ShubhamPatil for moral support and helping me with the website coding. also thank you @matthew for the inspiration (from realizing that technicolor & future letters needed a home). and lastly, thank youuu :blobheart: @SarahDowden for the moral support and conversations that kept me sane through the work.
javascript web os for #hack-hour pt.3: file system , wowy!!! barebones configuration system being setup right now. most of the three hours was spent writing &gt;300 lines of file system code which is unfortunately completely terrible (in my opinion). but it works!! mostly!!! im not sure!!!!! LOOK!!!!!!:yay:
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wanted to make a personal website for so long but never had the motivation for it :blobhaj_yeesh: luckily #hack-hour was enough to push me to get started! i've finished the first draft of what i want it to look like, i've been trying to go for a newspaper look :D
managed to get test working yay
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burned out an SMT inductor, did one of the craziest hacks i've ever done, and... it worked (it's that yellow "coil" that i hand-wound in 5 minutes)
my hack club was accepted! can't wait :))))
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another day, another html lesson written for simplified coding :D :simplified-coding: (yes i added a simplified coding emoji on slack just for this scrapbook post)
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The makings of a microphone!
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On my way to Seattle :yay:
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Learning how to build PCBs!
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