@aryan0building a battlebot (12V, <3kg) for a school competition :D
Completed wiring and circuit, need to work on frame now
@magicfrog0this is the first PCB i've ever made! introducing... ✨ magic frog's lightsaber ✨!! i designed it originally for #C06RQ9TTEG3|... but it took a lot longer than expected lol. it has a mpu6050 gyroscope & accelerometer and ardunio nano. when you move it faster, more of the neopixel LEDs light up and each axis (x, y, z) is assigned to red, blue or green.
i first designed the entire board not planning on using the ardunio nano or mpu6050, instead components built into the board but there were a tonnn of problems (one of which was burning the bootloader but then again got to use oscilloscope to see the data lines which was sooo cool) so i decided to change plans. the board has some fun lighthouse-themed silkscreens bc i was first planning on 3d-printing a case and making a lighthouse desk lamp.
also big big thanks to @ThomasStubblefield and @ky200617 for helping me out and encouraging me along the way! :)
schematic & kicad design -> github.com/themagicfrog/lightsaber
finally, here are some fun long-exposure light photos i took and pictures of the board!
@cwalker0Progress on the aerial anchor plate! Now it is in OnShape instead of Sketchup
@JosiastAtHackClub1investigating why scrappy isn't working alright... found this random picture from the internet
@ZeroQL0#w-of-the-day day 229
This is my last day of posting a daily scrapbook, with school coming up i'm going to focus more on my studies (I am severely behind).
Happy to have a spot in the all time leaderboard, and will still occasionally post things if i find it eventful
@cwalker0Just got a bunch of badass new hardware from my buddy Eric at PriusOffroad. This is going to enable an awesome new project I’m super excited to tell you all about ^_^
@alialiwa20050In May 2023, I have, for the first time, sponsored & organized a hackathon! 🎉
The event invited fellow students of all levels of mastery in computer science, and allowed participants at my school to form teams, make friends, innovate, win prizes, sharpen skills of all types (computer science, entrepreneurship, and beyond), and have a fun & memorable experience. 🎁
It was also a major personal goal for me that I am happy to have achieved before I graduate high school.
Taking my past personal memories at hackathons I've attended, such as BetaNYC (March 2020) and Hack Club's Epoch Vermont (December 2022)
The 2-day-long McCown Hacks
also made a great closing to the third year (2022-2023) of Gaynor McCown Hack Club
, and an awesome milestone of my nearly complete high school career 🎓 , in which my passion for computer science was sparked!
Today is an example of why NOT to try doing hardware things while you're really tired :((( it was a cool learning experience though!
My lights are WS2811 LEDs and they require 12Vs, so i found a 12v power supply for my lights, I also connected my lights directly to my pico (both the ground and data pin one) — which was powered through microusb from my laptop. When i plugged in the power, the board immediately heated up and started smoking, burning a small part of my index finger... I plan to still finish up the code & wiring but will need to wait for a new pico to actually test it! and to prevent this next time, i'll be using a breadboard + adding resistors for all connections from the lights to the pico.
a tribute to my pico, i'm sorry
tldr; plan ahead for different voltages or you'll fry your pico like i did
Day - 1
Listed everything (mostly) and started studying the libraries and API.
@reesericci0I will concede the 10 days in public challenge to @OmarMobayed - i went to sleep lol.
@jzaleta0I said I was not going back at posting things on my scrapbook
but I'm back with the #1 day of #10-days-in-public!
I'm going to be trying to get better at drawing on my iPad and finishing my last final exams for this first semester of Med School that is ending! 🧪 Here's an image of a frog I colored in Procreate!
After 418 days my streak has officially come to an end! This morning I got the painful message from @scrappy-U015D6A36AG that I forgot to post last night. I completely meant to but it slipped my mind for the first time since I joined Hack Club
, I had a lot of homework and projects so I couldn't post anything on time. That being said, although it was cool to keep it until this day, this is the last post I will do to my scrapbook and thanks to everyone who followed along for 418 days! ⚡
@belle0learning about the cpu! it's really fun but my brain hurts and i have so so much more respect for all the hardware hoomans
@sampoder0Oh, crikey! My Whack-A-Mole submission got accepted :D
@belle0hey fwens 🌊
today i worked on math and business past papers + continued econ research :)) also, i started reading the vulnerable world hypothesis and it's really really interesting! it brings up and explores the idea of a "black ball" invention :)) hope you have a great day!
@sampoder0🚩* Hello there! Scrappy has been working hard at Hack Club for almost a year, 24/7! That’s a lot! So Scrappy has sailed off to a far away ocean and will be down periodically today as we upgrade their internals. Any data inputted into Scrappy in these hours will likely not be saved.
@Gurshan0Out in Tennessee. Everything is so lush and green here!