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Posts tagged with :leaders-summit:

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In about 10 hours of cad and a few more of printing, my 2nd #arcade project is finally complete! I’ve always like those Ridge key cases but 100 bucks is just insane (and they don’t even fit european sized keys). So, I designed my own. Enter, The Summit: fully open source, 3d-printable with just a couple machine screws of assorted sizes. I unfortunately ran out of this beautiful blue filament but ngl i kinda dig the two-tone look with the white. Github is here: github.com/Devnol/The-Summit (will add pictures and final f3d/STLs a bit later)
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Day 4 of #arcade summer: Unfortunately my parts weren’t here on time so I had to get started working on a different project (boo hoo). I’ve always liked the Ridge keychains but 100$ is just prohibitive. To this I say: YOU WOULDNT DOWNLOAD A KEYCHAIN Enter, The Summit! An open-source “demake” of the ridge keychain designed for fff production in mind, coming soontm to a github near you. github.com/Devnol/The-Summit
Was going through my downloads folder diging up my downloaded stuff for my Nilla project for #cider and came across this pic i took landing in SF for The Summit, remembering the good times I had with other Hackclubbers
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💌 #leaders and clubs ship
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💌 i spent the last week working on Leaders Letters, a new blog article page for running advice and sharing stories - from club leaders, for club leaders. this was heavily inspired by purdue hackers blog and @matthew. when i read technicolor last year, my club was nonexistent, my administration had probably blocked me on email, and i was on the verge of quitting. but at a time like this, i somehow stumbled upon this beautiful piece of writing and the words "EVERY SCHOOL NEEDS A HACK CLUB KID". it forced me to realize that my end goal was to create a space for students like me with hacker culture that just didn't exist. okay, maybe i wouldn't wear a hack club sticker cape - but i could definitely be the "hack club kid" at my school. i found a second home in hack club and through the process, was empowered to start a similar ecosystem at my own school. fast forward to today, not only does the miraculous club that i once dreamt of running exist, but we have people like @TishaKaur @ChristianDutton-U04E0LL16MA @AanyaKungwani from that club who have gone on to become a deeper part of hack club through hackathons, #days-of-service (#blossom), #forsyth-hacks
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, & #the-summit
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. we have had huge meetings with successful workshops that have propelled people to join hack club, but mainly a lot of smaller ones that just seem like hanging out with a group of friends and creating projects
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. this year, i had the greatest pleasure of onboarding @PaulKim, @michelle, and @RyanDu-U04QM0MH6TV and we've created an even larger cohort of metro-atlanta hack clubs who are working to create #hack-the-aquarium
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. when i joined hack club, it was something extraordinary and out worldly and allowed me to find "my people". when i became a hack club leader, i was given the platform and tools to help others like me find each other and a school-wide and now city-wide tight-knit community in atlanta. i am just so grateful i took this jump after hearing all the experiences of past leaders. leaders letters is written in next.js
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and tailwind
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and will be updated with monthly leader blog articles or stories that need to be shared. the goal of the site is to serve as a stagnant place for the greatest memoirs that will help boost and inspire future leaders, and in the process allow current leaders to have their voices heard.
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my final ask is if you're a leader who wants to share your story, don't hesitate! send me a DM or make a PR with the instructions in the repository! and more importantly, if you're not a leader, apply to be one and remember that it's never too late to start. trust me, it literally changed my life and every day helps me change others' lives as well.
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github.com/sahitid/leaders-letters 🔗 hackclub.com/letters huge thank you to @fayd & @ShubhamPatil for moral support and helping me with the website coding. also thank you @matthew for the inspiration (from realizing that technicolor & future letters needed a home). and lastly, thank youuu
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@SarahDowden for the moral support and conversations that kept me sane through the work.
First day of school back from spring break freedom but yesterday when I was in break still , I was looking at me 3 raspberry pi’s I have , one is a b+ 2017 version ( I brought it to leaders summit) , wanted to do some cool stuff with it and decided on building a retro pie, with built in cooling through some fans and heatsinks and retro controllers and case , and I have some amazon gift cards from my bday and earlier stuff so I’m planning on using that all for this , it’d be pretty good to have a retro console i put together.
Day 8 of #10-days-in-public! I’m working on hackclub/wizard-orpheus for the workshop I’m going to give at Wonderland this weekend. The concept of the library is that it allows people new to HTML to build fun games relatively easily using AI. I’m really excited about the concept - it came out of a discussion with @cwalker and @msw at #the-summit on how AI can be used to automate work, but also to make building certain kinds of projects a whole lot easier.
#10-days-in-public I’m making a cookbook of PCBs based on what I’ve personally been learning. The first step was writing up the workshop I ran at The Summit so other club leaders can run it in their own club.
Sf ramen #the-summit
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Scrapbooking the eats after summit, we went to Taishoken which is a Ramen place. 9/10 solid Ramen & thanks to summit team!
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En route to #the-summit!!!
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Had nothing else to hang this awesome scroll from the summit so I just put it on this holder for my whiteboard and proped it on two whiteboard markers I had laying around #the-summit @ThomasStubblefield
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SO EXCITED FOR #the-summit 🏮 🧧
Hung my invite for #the-summit!
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Thanks HCB :)
Cant wait till the leaders submit , bought my ticket today
Just got my scroll for #the-summit!!!! It came out so good!
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