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Posts tagged with :winter-hardware-wonderland:

yay i’m finally posting again on scrapbook after a very long hiatus! yesterday i worked on my site for the winter boba drops event and made a countdown for the new year, and worked on my personal website, which still has a long way to go (but i’m glad i made progress because it’s been on my to-do list for months)! ✨ ❄️ i’m really proud of the countdown website i made because i made some super cool animations in css!
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submitted my winter site for boba drops!! will try working on cider for the next few weeks =)
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Working on the winter boba website
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Day 11 of #100-days-in-public. I suppose we will now see how far I can go with the days in public. Today was the last day of #wonderland where we had a science fair for all the group's projects. The group I was in finished up our game and decorated the fan we took apart and had it turn on and off randomly(we did not have enough time to figure out how to make it play music). On another note, I got my blot today! I sat down for about 4 hours and assembled it and finally got it working. I got it to draw my submission(see video attached).
Day 10 out of #10-days-in-public. I did not finish what I set out to accomplish on day 1, to create an outlook of my local community. But, here in Wonderland, I got to see a global community in person for the first time, and I’m glad I did. Here’s a toast to my incomplete project and to Wonderland.
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My updates for day 9 and day 10 of #10-days-in-public! Yesterday I spent some time getting up to snuff to run a workshop on how to build a game using it at #wonderland! It went really well and everyone built awesome games. I asked for feedback and got an NPS of 18%, which is good - but not great, so I’m working on improving it. The key issues people identified are: • Roughly 1/2 of people built something they were proud of, and a few people got super into it, but 1/2 of people didn’t customize and didn’t make something they’re proud of. I’m going to change the workshop so everyone comes up with their game concept and customizes from the beginning, rather than waiting to customize for the end • For the more advanced people who already knew JS, they wanted to see docs so they could figure out how to customize it deeper. So I wrote them! • The slides were hard to follow visually, so I am working on improving them
Day 3 in Boston! Headed to the wonderland venue to spend the rest of my trip here :)
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Day 9 of #10-days-in-public - Reached wonderland, met Thomas!
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Day 8 of #10-days-in-public! I’m working on hackclub/wizard-orpheus for the workshop I’m going to give at Wonderland this weekend. The concept of the library is that it allows people new to HTML to build fun games relatively easily using AI. I’m really excited about the concept - it came out of a discussion with @cwalker and @msw at #the-summit on how AI can be used to automate work, but also to make building certain kinds of projects a whole lot easier.
Day 7 of #10-days-in-public - Finished the transportation page, but with Wonderland coming up I doubt I'll finish by the end of the 10 days. Still, good progress done!
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finaly have a decent amount of snow this winter!
welding day
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Tested the WHW urban kayak in a lake. It floats fine, DIY paddle was a mistake
Day 99? of Winter Hardware Wonderland - Project Oreo Custom Rubber Ducky I left a parting gift for my CS teacher. Next year 1st pd CS will find this beauty.
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YOHOO!! Hackclub Twitter posted about me and my drone!! All thanks to the amazing @belle for reaching out for this! And to the fabulous @MelanieSmith for making me so motivated for WHW to do well!! PS: Chaotically Awaiting the next hardware event! Till then I'll create Pin and sticker designs for @Holly !
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Thank You All!
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finally got this #hardware-party I LOVE THE STICKERS
Now that my #droneproject & #hardware-party
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have ended, I was thinking about starting something new!! So here it is! I'm going to develop a game #gamedev
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, But before that, can yoh all please tell me what this is? It looks like a sprig
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? And i got it as a Hackathon prize! Please tell me what it is? Thanks!
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fellow Hackers, Hack Clubbers & hardware wizards! It's Day 12 of WHW #hardware-party, and I come bearing exciting news from our winter wonderland drone project. After weeks of hard work, late nights, and endless cups of hot water (Did not have cocoa
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), we've finally done it! Our drone is complete!!!
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The drone has very cool attachments & features like a high-resolution camera and advanced sensors that can detect changes in temperature, humidity, and air pressure. It's highly adaptable and can fly in humid, fog, and terrain which is difficult to traverse! Along the road, we faced our fair share of difficulties, from debugging code to testing flight stability while being ill, but I overcame them all with the help of my trusty hot water and team spirit. It was all worthwhile in the end. We have developed a drone that is not only useful but also a tonne of fun. In the end, I would like to T
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ANK @HackClubBank-U04SEGJ8WN5 for funding this project and @MelanieSmith for overseeing it, and @TanishqUpmanu-U04F0RWGARH for helping me so much! Now, let's raise a cup of hot water (cocoa for the rich people☕) to this fantastic journey of building a drone project and celebrating its end. This will be my last WHW post and #drone series. Thank you all for supporting! I'll see you all tomorrow! Bye, Goodnight! PS : Gonna get into all the #44-74 stuff going around! Gotta solve those mysteries YK!
Day 11 of WHW #hardware-party, Today I configured the flight controller & calibrated the compass calibration Well, that was it for today! I'll see you all tomorrow! Bye, Goodnight! PS: Tomorrow is the big day!
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when i finally reveal the complete project! So, stay tuned!!
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Day 10 of WHW #hardware-party, Today I calibrate my fsi6s transmitter; binding it with the receiver, I was so sleepy that i also messed up the expo settings, but later got it right! I'm so tired rn that the only thing i can think about is sleep! And because of that I'll see you all tomorrow! Bye, Goodnight!
Day 9 of WHW #hardware-party, Ahh! Such a tiresome day! Had a lot of guests come over and the fact that I'm in my village makes posting even harder! Today I had a meet with my partner and we setup a local network to upload sensors output to local server and examine it through esp8266 WiFi module. Well, that was it for today! I'll see you all tomorrow! Bye, Goodnight!
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Day 8 of WHW #hardware-party, I had to head out early because we had to go to our village
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for EID💫 . So, I woke up really early and did some wiring and assembled the bldc motor & tested the net thrust component, I got some reading around 1.1kg in net force, and then headed out. Rest of day was packed with EID preparation and i am awaiting tomorrow
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eagerly. Well, that was it for today! I'll see you all tomorrow! Bye, Goodnight! PS: After being yelled at by my father for driving
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, (In his own words) "weirdly"
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i tried some cool art filters and edited some pictures.
Day 7 of WHW #hardware-party, Day was packed with EID preparation. So, the only thing I did was boot up my Raspberry Pi and tinker with it for a bit before running the object detection algorithm. Well, that was today! I'll see you all tomorrow! Bye, Goodnight.
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I KNOW I AM LATE! But hear me out! Finally, the doctors let me go! After severe fever and dehydration, I finally present: Day 6 of WHW #hardware-party, I know I am late but my mum taught me not to leave things unfinished. So, today I looked up the satellite view of my location and marked up the mission point in mission planner! Well, that was it for today! I'll see you all tomorrow! Bye, Goodnight.
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Tysm guys 💖 (I think someone pressed the duplicate button 😅)
finally printed my #sprig sage seeds in a 3d printed pot that i made with my printer from #hardware-party lol
Ok guys, I used an Arduino and some jumpers from
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, bought some parts and finally managed to finish a complete a hardware project without exploding anything:)
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Just got the plaque and stickers in my mail!
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(My sticker collection continues to grow) It looks (and smells) AMAZING! It's customized as well :O P.S. I think the short and lang bars next to the "Winter Hardware Wonderland" text is binary. It seems to be the first letter of my name
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Ampli-Tie final day 5, March 25th - the day has arrived! - Solder the microcontroller (I'm just powering it off the mCu USB port, past me calculated a peak of 100mA would be reasonable, future me found out the whole thing only consumes 26mA). - Copy a whole bunch of code off Adafruit, but the mic doesn't work, turns out, for some reason, my painted mic is broken and always outputs 3.6v. Hurriedly swapped to another mic, unpainted, so it would have to hide under the collar (T-2hrs). - Still cannot get the mic to work (T-90m). Might as well get static effects working. Got timing on rainbow cycling adjustable from the app, and made sure static color worked. - (T-60m) it works! Now I actually gotta tie the tie and dress up.
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update on
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macropads! almost fully assembled one — just need to buy screws and standoffs to attach the bottom — and they work!! the 3 rgb leds are individually addressable, and since it’s powered by a pico, the keys and leds are all customizable (here I have circuitpython loaded on the pico, running a rainbow animation) i think these would be fun hackathon prizes so if you want some for your hackathon reply/dm me ig?
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Winter Hardware Wonderland #hardware-party There were complications in getting the Hack Club Bank to work and parts were slow to ship from overseas - but finally I got all the parts to work and here is the first prototype of the Triton Amphibious Rover! The RC controlled rover features a LEGO Technic vehicle that I coupled with a motor, and for the water side of things I rigged an underwater motor and 3D printed rudder to a 25KG servo motor. All this is remotely controlled with an RC so that you can take it to explore different terrain and locations! It is also powered by a rechargeable LiPo battery and will be able to operate up to 15 minutes on a full charge in optimal conditions. Will update more photos and videos of it in action soon! Please do give feedback/suggestions as this is my first big scale project and thanks to @MelanieSmith and @belle for the support.
Still not done with my WHW robot (technically). I have finished building my robot but it is not exactly the best design, so I have been thinking about upgrading from micro servos to servos. (It will result in the robot being bigger but also able to handle more of a load)
#hardware-party more components!
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Finally, finally, my part has arrived right now!
Day 4 of WHW #hardware-party, I have my physics exam tomorrow, so didn't do much. But I'm done with the calibration, Thinking about what to work on tomorrow!
Day 3 of WHW #hardware-party, Today I soldered the Electronic speed controller (ESC) to the motors, Wasn't able to do anything more tho. It's been quite hard studying magnetism in physics! and I also have my board exam this Monday. See you guys tomorrow!
I forgot to show the #hardware-party people, but here’s my electronics cupboard The first circuit is a 16 bit flash ADC (the ICs are 741 operational amplifiers being used as comparators); it’s part of my bigger project The second circuit is my friend’s pulse oximeter (I’m wheezing because the CO2 levels were ridiculous (we had been in there with the door closed all day)
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Day 2 of WHW #hardware-party So, today I am coding the GPS Module System, I added and altered the code to enable more precise locations for better navigation while flying the drone. Tomorrow I will start working on the hardware! Thanks.
Day 9 of WHW #hardware-party I just connected all the channel’s form transmitter to receiver and will code the return to land function tomorrow
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Day 1 of WHW #hardware-party I was so busy with exams that I forgot to post! Sorry guys. So, Here I am Coding the altitude calculation system for my team's drone, A tip for others who are facing problems with APM, for example: so I was not getting the correct reading of altitude in APM so I used (True Altitude = Indicated Altitude + (ISA Deviation × 4/1000 × Indicated Altitude) to get the correct reading.
WHW day +6: after hours struggling with wifi connection, I have succeeded to get on hack club slack and make a post on the scrapbook. Here is what I did during my week without internet: • print time on serial monitor thanks to the RTC library that I've already install (i have also displayed them on my lcd screen but i forgot to take pictures) • read some books about C programming language to code my arduino better (don't have C++ books but it was the best I got without internet 🥲) this week I went finish my holidays to the mountains ... but I forgot to take my arduino 😭 no progress this week sorry if my project take a long time to get finished (I think i'll not be able to continue during school)