earthquaky-eyes emoji

Posts tagged with :earthquaky-eyes:

Chela update! I've fixed a ton of bugs and added some fun features and now Chela is at version 1.0.0! If you missed the previous ship, Chela is minimal selfhostable URL shortener written in Rust. It runs in a 14Mb Docker container! I have an instance hosted at, you can try it out by going to with the user hackclub and password 4YtC3qWKBZAYmD.
wahoo!! this uses a Go server running on my computer, which interfaces with the arduino to get nunchuck data (pings the arduino, which returns binary data via serial), & as a proof of concept runs an http server which is being called by a lil html/js app to display joystick position
js emoji
wahoo-fish emoji
dark-thisupvote emoji
yay emoji
earthquaky-eyes emoji
zach-pog emoji
ultrafastparrot emoji
bread_nod emoji
blobhypedance emoji
blob_hype emoji
high-five emoji
pogchamp emoji
hardware emoji
spring-of-making emoji
partyparrot emoji
Learning Low Poly modelling in Blender
In preparation for a club meeting tomorrow, I just shipped's-introduction-to-github (repo:, which is a GitHub Labs course for getting started with GitHub, the P2P Hack Club way 😄 Expect a lot of orpheus, corny jokes, and fun drawings that I got to incorporate from the hackclub/dinosaurs repo 😄. If you haven’t used GitHub Labs before, it’s learning how to use GitHub on GitHub. In this course, you help publish Orpheus’s website for their science project, using the GitHub flow. The entire course is based upon GitHub’s Introduction to GitHub course, which made it really easy to set-up (writing this and testing took around 4 hours) It’s definitely rough around the edges right now, but we’ll be going through it tomorrow with my club, and I’ll be updating and tweaking the course over the next couple of days to make the learning experience even smoother! Suuuuper fun to make, I definitely want to make a GitHub Labs course from scratch in the future.