
Posts tagged with :fallen_leaf:

i made a maze game with sprig and tried to give it my own spin as a haunted house. if your sprite is able to find the exit (their way out of the establishment) then they're good, but if they don't, they fall into the bottomless burning pit of boiling molten lava github.com/arsoninstigator/sprighc
I made a(n inaccurate) simulation of an object in free fall, implemented in OCaml with the Graphics module: github.com/13SHR/OPhysicl
github.com/akulsaju/game # Hack Club Flappy Bird 🐦 Welcome to *Hack Club Flappy Bird, a simple yet fun 2D game inspired by the classic Flappy Bird, featuring Hack Club’s signature style. The game is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, making it easy to run and customize. ## 📝 Overview The objective of the game is to navigate the bird through obstacles (pipes) by pressing the spacebar to keep it airborne. The game tracks your score based on how many pipes you successfully pass. Be careful not to hit the pipes or fall off the screen! ## 🚀 How to Play- Start the Game: Press the `spacebar` to begin. - Control the Bird: Press the `spacebar` repeatedly to make the bird fly upwards. - Avoid Obstacles: Pass through gaps in the pipes to score points. - Game Over: The game ends if the bird collides with a pipe or falls off the screen. Press `spacebar` to restart. ## 🎨 Hack Club Theme This version of Flappy Bird is specially themed for Hack Club: - The bird is styled with Hack Club’s signature red color `#ec3750`. - The game features a red background and white text to match Hack Club’s design. - Black pipes act as obstacles, providing contrast against the bright Hack Club palette. Screenshot 2024-08-22 123331.png akulsaju/game Language HTML Last updated* 19 minutes ago Added by GitHub
Made a car on a PCB Features: • ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 for processing and connectivity • NRF24L01 for 2.4GHz wireless communication • MPU6050 3 axis gyro and accelerometer to dectect orientation of the car • HMC5883L 3 axis compass that can determine direction • L928N H-bridge motor driver to move the wheels • Reflective IR sensor To detect when the car is about to fall off a ledge • HR-SC04 Untrasonic distance sensor to detect object in front of the car More info + gerber file can be found in my github repo: github.com/YeetTheAnson/PCBRobotCar/tree/main 3d View of the PCB can be found here: www.flux.ai/yeettheanson/pcbrobot?editor=pcb_3d Attached below are some pictures and video of the PCB:
github.com/Tylar1108/I-need-to-work-on-my-traditional-artworks-again Switching back to traditional artworks (using paper n pencil) I tried to start right away but cz of my habit of "un doing" in digital artworks, my line quality had gone through a drastic fall, I tried to improve it first n then I just drew this drawing I was gona do a full body artwork but my lines are still a little shabby rn so I just did a portrait, hope you like it
#arcade Milestone Reached! My player controller is complete for my game, Planet Earth: Stranded! The game is in a very early stage of development, but the current features are fully functional. The current features consist of a glider like the game Breath of the Wild, full movement controls including a sprint key, a damage system with an indicator, and procedural movement for the walk cycle. The game also features game controller support, so you can plug any game controller in and play. The glider features fall damage reduction, as well as fully procedural trails following it. In addition, the sprinting has stylized motion lines so that it is more obvious that the player is going fast. More features coming soon! Github: github.com/PonderSlime/Planet-Earth-Stranded, Github game pre-release v0.1.5-alpha: github.com/PonderSlime/Planet-Earth-Stranded/releases/tag/v0.1.5-alpha
made a #fraps a-frame site w/ #arcade! super fun time learning a-frame and think this is the PERFECT clubs activity ever for when the school year starts. it's pretty simple and @ShubhamPatil tutorial is the perfect amount of "instructions" and "figure it out yourself" i made a rainstorm w/ a-frame that uses animation to get the raindrops to fall down from the very spherical cloud. it took me about 2-3 hours and i had a very interesting time tryna figure out the rains. :meow_code: code: glitch.com/edit/#!/bubble-kiwi-nyala :bubbles: bubble-kiwi-nyala.glitch.me
made a #fraps a-frame site w/ #arcade! super fun time learning a-frame and think this is the PERFECT clubs activity ever for when the school year starts. it's pretty simple and @ShubhamPatil tutorial is the perfect amount of "instructions" and "figure it out yourself" i made a rainstorm w/ a-frame that uses animation to get the raindrops to fall down from the very spherical cloud. it took me about 2-3 hours and i had a very interesting time tryna figure out the rains. :meow_code: code: glitch.com/edit/#!/bubble-kiwi-nyala :bubbles: bubble-kiwi-nyala.glitch.me
Day 13 - 14 (I fall asleep again.) Quick Update, I tring to move to move webring and emote back to menu and originally, I want to put koinuko's webring on my site, but her already shut down 3 - 4 month ago, so I put my blog instead! So see you on final day at around 11 PM at Indonesia Time!
Day 11 - 12 of #15-days-in-public . Yesterday, I’m fall asleep for the fourth time, and Today, Just do my teacher assignment before midnight. No update again!
WYM fall emoji?? It’s still summer
Snowwww daaayyyy!!!! , time to fall too many times that I can't count :poggers:
jst spent the past 8 hours grinding out the ibm fall quantum challenge :’) finally finished all the challenges!
currently grinding ibm’s fall quantum challenge! probably the best challenge ibm has released yet
leaves and obsidian :)))
I made a leaf pile.
Since I have this week off (fall break) I'm finally learning rust, after >4 years of wanting to do so
Day 1 of #10-days-in-public was Monday! How my course schedule is scheduled is basically I have the entirety of Monday free, so it's like a three day weekend for me. It's mostly a half day of studying, with a half day of me doing anything that constitutes as self care for the other half, including dragging my sorry self to the gym for swimming and going downtown to get some food. Don't have any photos of homework to share, so enjoy more photos of fall on campus, a tree on fire, a copy of crazy rich asians I bought at the local used bookstore (which I would like to point out has an incredibly cute Havanese named daisy), had to do some official busines for the college, dinner, questionable butterfly form, as well as the book elevator that I learned about today when I needed to go into the South Stacks to look for a book — pretty good day overall.
unfortunately i didn't partake in the zachtoboer 😔 but anyways... first time staying at school this late lol (until 9pm) doing stage crew for our fall play
#10-days-in-public back to school :sob (5/10) Not much development, i was tutoring and running errands (new haircut!). Fall break is over :crying_sunglasses_cowboy: wrote some notes for my classes in prep for tmr. Flight back to philly was actually not that bad surprisingly, i met a cool dude who we shared a mutual with and we talked the whole flight. I’ll have an update later tonight w progress on projects 👍
imagine you were making a multiplayer web game at regular intervals on the server, you want to tick your simulation. setInterval(() => { your players move forward, ➡️ your enemies decide who to badger next, :threat: some of your projectiles are just barely dodged, :flug: and others smash satisfyingly into their targets :bonk: }, 1000 / 60); at each of these intervals, the server decides which of these occur, and which ... do not. the difference is quite literally life and death for the denizens of your online realm: if a player's input makes it to the server just after this update has occurred, they might just not move out of the way of the oncoming missile in time. after one of these updates when the server has just finished making these vital decisions, it blasts relevant portions of them out to everyone who's connected to your server. (there's no point in updating you about something if it's happening on the other side of the map!) meanwhile, in the player's web browser, these regular updates from the server are gradually applied, so the server's periodic contemplation is rendered as a seamless sequence of fluid movements... unless those updates aren't really so regular at all ... the contract that the server has with the client -- that the server will give the client evenly spaced out updates at regular-enough intervals so that the client can smoothly move between them -- isn't actually the same as the contract that setInterval provides. all setInterval(update, 1000) means is that there will be ABOUT one thousand milliseconds between each of your updates, usually more. so if the actual interval ends up being 1009ms one frame, the next update won't be about 991ms later so that updates happen at regular one second intervals, it will be more like 1007ms later, so that now you're a total of 16 ms away from the contract you had with the client. this is known as drift. at worst, this passes on all of the problems of using setInterval for animation onto your game. but what if you're doing something fancier than just moving between the updates you get from the server as you get them? there's always going to be a random delay between what the server sends and what you get, anyway. it might make more sense to push the updates you get from the server onto a stack, and exactly as often as the server updates, pop the next set of positions off of that stack. ... except that if you're popping using one setInterval on the client, and the server is pushing out those simulation ticks using a setInterval of its own ... and each has a different drift ... they're quickly going to fall out of sync. if the server is drifting a lot, your stack might gradually accumulate thousands of positions that you just can't keep up with ... and if the server is drifting less than you are, you might run out of positions to show the player! suffice it to say, it's super important to have a setInterval that updates without drift. I threw together an implementation of one this morning. I call it a `tick`, since it works well for those simulation ticks I was talking about before. To test it, I went ahead and also made a drift visualizer. Here's a screenshot of it! The grey lines are spaced out at 0.5s intervals, and the first row of blue marks is made by setInterval, while the other row of blue marks are made by my own tick function. as you can see, they stick to the "wall clock time" a lot better than Interval does, even when you leave it running for several minutes! here's a screenshot! I'll post the source in the thread :) fun fact: everything that moves is a CSS animation 😂 I didn't want to pollute the JS event loop, although now that I think about it, it might've been better to so that I can see how well my ticker keeps itself together in the presence of some event loop pressure.
Fall 2021 with my favorite lab, section, professors, friends, and memories.
Leaf season is here
worked on my lab, tried out new safari and witnessed a bowl of rice fall asleep in class
Been learning “house of the rising sun” and my thumb feels like it’s going to fall off
Just enjoying the Fall in Vermont