Hi again Hack-Club community👋
I wanted to share my love for the sprig in a special way so I created this: www.printables.com/model/1073445-sprig-case/filesmakerworld.com/en/models/790418#profileId-728718
A sprig case! which everyone can download and use and customize to their own preferences with all sorts of cool stuff!
So if you want to check it out, either you want to protect your components or add a bit of spice to your sprig, please leave a like or download the file!
Hi Hack Club community! Just to show my gratitude for this amazing project made possible by hack club I started designing a case for the console: www.printables.com/model/1073445-sprig-caseYou can find it on printables for now but I will also put it on maker world pretty soon. Some instructions can be found on the page about printing and for any questions let me now! Please if you have any support to offer leave a like and download the file and if you have any suggestions please let me know!
just finished my sprig game in jerryscript and added the final boss fight, here is the final functional version of the game, but design changes may be added in the future sprig.hackclub.com/share/hNRhEoJRBdWEwVciuMrZ
I have started working on a 3d print shop website using react
Took a while to download all the packages but started creating the bed layer for the app, also I managed to launch it on netlify so that everyone can see the progress