day seven of #C045S4393CY|: worked on my juice game and my infill printer :3
day 6 of #C045S4393CY| where i worked on my jungle game assets, worked on my printer (+ did research) and did some scrapyard stuff
day 5 of #C045S4393CY| i worked on my printer, a new ysws idea and juice game :3
day four / fifteen for #C045S4393CY|! i worked on my printer and my jungle game :3
day 3 of #C045S4393CY| i worked on my jungle game + worked on my printer :3
day 2 of #C045S4393CY|! i made a cat shaped case for my weather station (for asylum) even though im not super impressed by how it looks like right now :3
i worked on game assets for my juice / jungle game, worked on uploading those assets to my github repo and making some detailed storyline sketches (i know brainstorming doesn't count but these sketches will be in the game). i made sure to keep my tamagatchi alive and feed him (even though he's kinda ugly :/)
i made some progress on my infill printer (with the toolhead design) and did some basic research on extrusion systems & hotends.
day 1/15 of #C045S4393CY|! i worked on some game assets and textures for my juice/jungle game to keep my tamagatchi alive :3
game assets included the main screen scene, gravestones (of different types), trees/bushes, lamps, fountains and some decoration objects like garlands ! i also made textures for the entire graveyard path + patches of grass and home wooden floors / carpeting :0
i also found out the channel pinger exists bcs i was personally trying to code my way into adding members in my personal channel into a user group (hopefully my workflow works now) 👀
i did want to kiII my egg and rehatch it because it's kinda ugly but apparently that's not a viable reason or whatever
i completed my hackpad v2 pcb + schematic :3 im not suuuper satisfied with the routing and wish kicad had an auto-router like easyeda but i guess i did learn a bunch of new things in the process (working with pcbs without making a 1:1 copy of a tutorial & actually understanding matrixes and mech keyboard operations)
github repo: cryptpad macropad
original update on 12/17/24 :D
worked on blot art and almost ripped out all of my hair making it look decent and fixed up my own (and other people's) figma designs for logos for #C07V5401VMY|
[making for #C07NUNPGEU8| and bin] initially spent time (~2 hours) making four 88 led matrixes in a chain display words using the raspberry pi pico by coding in micropython. changed to a single 88 led matrix because of bin requirements but you can still display whatever you want and the words in the order repeat indefinitely. will be adding complexity in the future as i read up further on hardware
i made a maze game with sprig and tried to give it my own spin as a haunted house. if your sprite is able to find the exit (their way out of the establishment) then they're good, but if they don't, they fall into the bottomless burning pit of boiling molten lava
i made a small sprig game (basketball) at and am working on making an original game for the pr for the console
tried to make a hardware TOTPkey and failed miserably because (1) the routing was crazy difficult since im not good at PCB stuff and (2) the firmware part legitimately made me cry. find it at
i made some pixel art as a newbie-ish artist who desperately wants to buy a tablet for art and study stuff (find this art stuff on within the folders) :D
i built (/ am building) a micropad ! while this would be much simpler if i was working with arduino, i started this project with esp32 on wokwi as a part of the #C06R2QQT5M4| electronics project. unfortunately, while working with that microcontroller, it was announced that it was to be removed from the bin form since it was too expensive. i was forced to switch over to pi pico to salvage some of my work so here we are ! i'm designing the pcb so i can have it fabricated so i can work with an arduino (that i'll source myself) and make an actual funky macropad with latest functionalities. find my repo at planned out a project, did a lot of background research (i know this doesn't count), decided not to continue with this for now, and took some written notes (i know this does count). find my notes at -
i made a usb hub (type a, unfortunately) with two ports following the jam tutorial by max wofford! i started out by trying to make a different shaped usb port (a flower by creating a dxf file on inkspace) but eventually gave up and switched to the regular look (reposted, pls ignore session names/goals assigned because they do NOT match corresponding session events thru the thread because my adhd makes me work in weird ways). you can find this on github at but feel free to ask for schematics/gerbers for this
made my own usb hub using pcb assembled on both sides by following the hc pcb jam by max wofford. i had to do the manually tracing FIVE times and i was particularly upset when the power went out and my program browser reset and deleted my progress. i gave the board a unique flower outline initially (as can be seen in my scraps) but ultimately understood why they advise against it (although i will come back to this and remake it with a better board outline). files available at and scraps added as comments / photo replies within the session threads but feel free to ask for more proof if needed :)/ repost bcs of outage
made my own usb hub using pcb assembled on both sides by following the hc pcb jam by max wofford. i had to do the manually tracing FIVE times and i was particularly upset when the power went out and my program browser reset and deleted my progress. i gave the board a unique flower outline initially (as can be seen in my scraps) but ultimately understood why they advise against it (although i will come back to this and remake it with a better board outline). files available at and scraps added as comments / photo replies within the session threads but feel free to ask for more proof if needed :)
i made and remade my pcb hackercard in different shaped boards because i was learning how to use inkspace and create dxf files to use for custom circuit boards. i haven't uploaded the gerbers yet because i cloned and erased and remade and erased and remade so many copies of the same thing ish (like,, it's my spin on the classic hackercard) but i can upload the gerber/schematic/bom if you tell me what's needed repo:
started to learn how to make 3d websites using a-frame from scratch for hackacinno by making a robot using shapes available to me that had to be combined to make certain body parts (almost cried in the beginning but gradually had so much fun, will be hosting a workshop soon). repo: (reposting because i forgot to link a few sessions)
started to learn how to make 3d websites using a-frame from scratch for hackacinno by making a robot using shapes available to me that had to be combined to make certain body parts (almost cried in the beginning but gradually had so much fun, will be hosting a workshop soon). repo:
this is one half of the art part of my web-app project that allows people to collect stamps from different places / cities based on the location of their virtual pen-pals, as well as general stickers or stamps for completing each step within the friendship w your pen pal (for example, doing a video call w them through the app could be one sticker). i haven't decided on a name yet and am still contributing to this so i'll probably post part2 later
my first simple html + css static website that i earlier made for #boba that uses multiple divs. it's not responsive or anything though but just describes who i am in 3 lines : a bunch of 3d designs during arcade (while following some tutorials); the individual threads might have scraps of pieces but the final pieces are uploaded here (this took more time to make than normal because i was messing around w all the buttons on my screen trying to figure out what each click allowed me to do). i also made mockups & played around with different textures for container boxes for my growing jewelry brand that im hoping to work on and expand:
this is a nfc light up pcb business card i made for #onboard and it was my first time working with PCBs. i spent some time actually looking up the electronics concepts, learning about the components, messing around with the different layers of silkscreen (white color, dull yellow, gold foil, texture/slight variation etc.), and moving around the parts so the ratlines were placed properly and the tracks didn't intersect: