

0-day streak
writing an llm which interrogates you and updates its internal model about you
wom emoji
extracted transcription from hack club's ama with nicky case
wom emoji
hackclub emoji
goose-honk-technologist emoji
read coherent extrapolated volition
wom emoji
today i got this on manifold markets
wom emoji
I have been coding for 3h but I shouldn't have; I should have studied for finals tomorrow
Found out that Manifold Markets has an API, which I will be using in some project
Today I became super productive and voted 10 matchups in an hour continuously
Today I productively read AI Alignment articles
Today I discovered all scrappy's reaction keywords yay, OSF, hooray, arrived, bin, raccoon, draw, art, paint, wrote, slack, pcb, onboard, circuit, kicad, easyeda, figma, 3d print, 3d printing, 3d printer, covid, singapore, canada, india, space, sleep, hardware, roshan, sampoder, vs code, vscode, woo hoo, celebrate, cooking, cooked, cook, birthday, bday, pumpkin, fall, thanksgiving, christmas, santa, snow, snowing, snowman, vercel, sunrise, sunset, google, soccer, football, car, driving, bank, shopping list, github, twitter, bot, robot, robotics, minecraft, game, npm, solder, soldering, arduino, instagram, observable, js, javascript, reactjs, python, swift, xcode, x code, swiftui, swift ui, golang, rust, deno, blender, salad, adobe, photoshop, inktober, storm, rain, dino, school, backpack, linux, hacktober, hacktoberfest, exams, exam, studying, studied, study, react, apple, cat, dog, code, hack, autumn, Happy Birthday Zach, debate, next.js, nextjs, movie, halloween, pizza, scrappy, cycle, bike, Big Sur, zoom, ship, macbook, guitar, complain, fight, cricket, vim, docker, cake, notion, fedora, replit, mask, leap, discord, /z, postgres, gatsby, prisma, graphql, product hunt, java, repl,, replit, rick roll, BrainDUMP, firefox, vivaldi, ABCO-1, nix, nixos, nixpkgs, typescript, ts, zephyr, summer, plane, train, bus, bug, debug, debugging, awesome, graph, chart, boba, bubble tea, spotify, repair, cow, doge, shibe, dogecoin, blockchain, ticket, homework, hw, piano, orpheus, chess, pr, pull request, bread, nft, hns, wahoo, aoc, advent, svelte, cold, tailwind, tailwindcss, c, squaresupply, gamelab, annoying site, redwood, redwoodjs, homebrew, stickers, club, think, thinking, cool, science, research, biology, brain, science fiction, sci-fi, mexico, food, sad, galaxy, plant, plants, picture, pictures, photography, assemble, sprig, laser, music, #C045S4393CY, 10daysinpublic, hardware party, hardware wonderland, hardware-party, days of making, winter hardware, winter, wonderland, whw, ipfs, the orpheus show, orpheus show, the orpheus podcast, orpheus podcast, podcast, quest, puzzmo, purple bubble, purplebubble, summit, summit vision, apple vision, nest.
Created a chatbot that no one can prompt inject
I (sort of) jailbroke ChatGPT
created some kind of bot which uses gpt to greet new users in #C75M7C0SY|
i finally (kinda) completed my first slack bot after... 2 hours of struggling
Made a minimum viable prototype for a general problem solver chatbot