@louisa0Hi Scrapbook ppl. So today was one of my more unproductive days since it was quite a mentally draining day, this past week has been like that because of some stuff outside my control but I hope its at least one of the last I feel the way I’ve been feeling. I’ve been thinking alot and I really just want to yap here about it since its related but what I’ve really loved from doing near-daily scraps is that as much as you have a couple of bad days you can always check and remember all the rest of the good and productive days youve had so you dont beat yourself up on the few "bad" drops in your super big pond of accomplishments and things youve managed to get done or learn. This takes me back to Ascend at SpaceX when Osi talked about having some kind of achievements sheet and for me scrapbook really feels like that. Ty to the scrapbook team for really just making this, much love <3 Anyways, today when I got back home, I took a walk today to clear my mind. Here's a pic, the trail was really nice and shaded from the really hot sun:
@Sameer0Alright, my kind people!! Here's what I got in my recent package from hack club!! I got some "sprig posters" for Phoenix hacks
@Shrey-Mehra0Got postcard printed i tried to make something antique
Pic credit-@Holly
@khalby7860We won the first prize with this for the Math in CS category! We had a few other fractal-based programs as well but this one's my favorite! (There's a slight audio delay in the recording)@sonicx1800Okay u guys, @ryan is a legend. He helped to fix navbar, and etc while just on his phone. respect
@sevara0our venue is lovely and our sponsor is the best!
😭 😭 im so so excited yet so stressed at the same time
@karolina0wow... it's been a while...
in september of 2021, i got cut from my school's volleyball team. i had been playing club volleyball for several years. i was sad, angry, mad, but mostly confused, because i had identified with volleyball so much over the last few years.
that same month, in an effort to join some sort of sport, i impulsively joined cross country. i met an amazing community of people that helped making running less bad. when i returned to track in the spring, i joined both long distance and pole vault (my usual event).
inspired by xc, at my local civil air patrol squadron, i founded a run club community on strava that has now amassed nearly half of our cadets. we've hosted in-person runs, ran to mt. olympus (virtually), and recently... WE GOT STICKERS!
our motto is 'stridin' on', and our logo is a little cold minecraft strider, since we're PNW kids and don't know what weather over 50 degrees means.
being a varsity athlete in track and field after feeling like i wasn't good at sports anymore is rewarding, but founding a swag community with STICKERS is a million times better. anyway. i missed hack club.