

We’re finally able to share the high level schematic for the board (we have many more lower levels to the schematic hierarchy)!! A huge shoutout to our team @jc @HenryBass-U02KEJ8T6D8 @Cheru, and @NilaRam for ALL the hard work we put in this week!!:index_pointing_at_the_viewer: 🔥 Also a huge shoutout to everyone who helped us, fed us, and housed us (@ThomasStubblefield + @ImDeet-U045B4BQ2T0) this week. Thank you to @KaraMassie and @msw for coordinating with us, and helping us through the logistics for this project. Thanks @NickyCase, @malted, @kognise, @belle, @karina) for hanging out with us this week, and keeping our spirits high. Next sprint we plan to write a programmable multilayer convolution layer NN using wavelet transforms. Stay tuned for our progress next sprint (December 26th-1st), and come to our demo day on New Year’s day if you’re around (or tune in via zoom). Thanks everyone who joined and participated in this channel, and follow our Twitter so see the memes we post from the week (OpenAI board memes, touching grass, team sink + more😁). 3-2-1 MMI!!!!!!!
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T-73 days until Orpheus wins! 📚 Today, I completed the current challenge by collaborating with @KaraMassie to make our "read lists" longer (This is day two, since I briefly mentioned it in my last post!) I finished my book, His Majesty's Dragon by Naomi Novik today, and it was so good! I can't wait for the next book to be available at the library for me. Tomorrow, I'll pick up another book that I've been wanting to read. :esperanto: I made it to sapphire league on :duo: Duolingo! Yay! I've also put a textbook on Esperanto on hold from the library. This particular book is held with high esteem in the community and I've had experience with some of its content as well... Its very well written! 🏫 I wrote a letter (Right-center) to someone in order to complete an assignment for my english class. The handwriting is... Let's just say it's not my best work. ✍️ I started writing the last scene of my second chapter. Gotta keep cranking through! I also wrote some song lyrics and poetry that's probably not going to get shared, but whatever. Since today was my writing club, we had some fun creating random story ideas, such as a horror novel about walmart employees trapping customers in the self checkout area and making them go insane from the machine saying "Please scan item then place item in the bagging area." Not only that, but there was even some classism involved! Fun times! 🏋️‍♂️ I'm not sure if I mentioned this in my first post for #100-days, but I'm trying to just be more active/healthier. I went for a walk outside and I have some stuff I'm going to do before I go to bed tonight. 🎼 I got the general concept for and first few lyrics of a twisted version of "Love Story" by Taylor Swift. It's meant to be from Romeo's perspective and ends with... Well, y'know, death. I think it sounds fairly good so far and if enough people peer pressure me ask me to share it, I may send a snippet. That's all for today. Keep on scrapbooking, and remember to support the Orpheus house!
🎏 I drew the flag for #flag-referendum! Featuring: pirate Orpheus, doing a salute pose, pointing ahead. I thought about doing it when @KaraMassie asked me whether I was entering or not. I thought about it, then went to the #flag-referendum channel to look around. There, I saw @KrishnaBansal-U03CBNJUWJG’s pirate Orph and immediately got inspired. What if Orph was wearing a pirate hat?? 🏴‍☠️ It was a fantastic idea. Scrolling further up, I saw @LiterallyEverything-U04LNE9HEFK’s saluting Orph - the pose added so much personality to the character. (And, one of my personal design/art principles: ✨ personality ✨ - not always in the literal "character trait" sense, but something that brings life into the art.) Scrolling further up, I saw @JamesXiao-U04EQJ4RRHA's logo - which is genuinely just a well designed logo. It fits both the tech and boat vibes - so why not replace the traditional pirate skull on the pirate hat with it? I've honestly just taken in a lot of inspiration from everyone who has submitted a flag, even if it's not as obvious as the ones I've listed above. As @cwalker says, it was truely a community effort and couldn't have been made without the rest of y'all. So thank you all!! I hope you enjoy the flag as much as I had fun drawing it :yay:
:shooting_pepe_cowboy: HOWDY Y’ALL! YEE HAW! HEARD YOUSE FOLKS LIKE GRAPHS AND NERD SHIT! … that’s enough of that. We occasionally like looking at channel activity. Unfortunately, Slack’s official stats page SUCKS. Poor @KaraMassie has been, like, manually putting stuff into a spreadsheet every week for months. So. I built her a nice little webapp to see weekly stats in a much improved form factor! Always fun making things from scratch :) And since this stuff is cool to look at and helpful for everyone, it’s public and open to contributions -> slack-stats.hackclub.dev