upvoteparrot emoji

Posts tagged with :upvoteparrot:

Made an App on VisionPro
ultrafastparrot emoji
pedro emoji
earthquakyeyes emoji
upvoteparrot emoji
summer-of-making emoji
Hello to whoever is seeing this, I wanna show you what I've done today so far. 1. In the first 2 images, you'll see my cherry tomato plants, both of two images show plants germinated the same day, the only difference between both is that the plants in the first image are being grown in soil that has no "nutrients" (they got stuck there), and the plants in the second image have the best soil I could find, that's why these lasts ones look bigger and a lot better. So today I decided to transplant more plants to the better soil and I hope they'll grow as good as the another ones. 2. In the third image I was removing all the plants that basically don't do anything and i'm planting new ones that can gimme food. 3. And finaaally you'll see my homegrown grapes, yes GRAPES, ofc they're not ready to be eaten but they will sooooon. Ahh today is a beautiful day and I feel so good bro, like today is a sunny day but it also was raining while being sunny like wtf!! Hope you guys are having an amazing day, cya!
https://cloud-jytezy9yz-hack-club-bot.vercel.app/0img_20210416_135313772.jpg https://cloud-jytezy9yz-hack-club-bot.vercel.app/1img_20210416_135320829.jpg https://cloud-jytezy9yz-hack-club-bot.vercel.app/2img_20210416_122434593.jpg https://cloud-jytezy9yz-hack-club-bot.vercel.app/3img_20210416_135253046_hdr.jpg https://cloud-jytezy9yz-hack-club-bot.vercel.app/4img_20210416_122459669.jpg
this isn't very important but this is my biggest achievement on this slack
P5JS class practice!