Posts tagged with :yellow_heart:
query Users { users(options:{ sort:{ field:"balance", order:"DESC" }, take:5 }) { id balance outgoingTransactions(options:{ sort:{ order:"DESC", field:"balance" }, take:2 }) { id balance from { id } to { id } } } }I’m soooooo excited for what all of yall are going to be doing with this—as always, if you’re interested in making a bot, feel free to DM me with the bot’s username to get your very own token! You can find the source for HN over at: 🌟 z.rishi.cx/g/hn, and the Teller over at z.rishi.cx/g/teller :D P.S. The next ship will be V1 of HN—the production-ready, stable version of the API with documentation!
is built in Typescript, and has some awesome documentation as a result (Typedoc really comin thru), and has two hooks that I use a lot in my daily React life: usePromiseEffect
and useAsyncEffect
, both of which are modelled to look like idiomatic React (I’ve attached an example of their usage down below).
You can find the Github repo over at z.rishi.cx/g/async (feel free to star!),
The NPM package over at www.npmjs.com/package/@rishiosaur/async,
🏗️ And the documentation over at async.rishi.cx!