

0-day streak
Added a new module and 2 new commands to MCProxy! Automatic Skywars Armor Swapping saves you time so you don’t have to worry about switching armors in skywars and you can get right to the pvp! /debug allows you to view debug info about the proxy’s state, to make sure it’s functioning as it should /apikey lets you view the active api key for the proxy, in case you want to use it elsewhere! All mcproxy-specific commands (like dump packets, debug, and api key) allow prefixes of /mcproxy: before the command name, to make sure you’re running mcproxy commands! github.com/TBHGodPro/McProxy
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I made a program which will sync up multiple windows (with lines connecting their positions) in electron, this has built-in multiple methods of communication, including native electron ipc, websockets, net sockets, and more! github.com/TBHGodPro/Multi-Window-Sync
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I made a library for accessing and using the Hack Club Arcade API in typescript! This library automatically accounts for ratelimits with the ratelimit headers returned in responses and will be published to npm very soon! For now, here’s the repository if you are interested: github.com/TBHGodPro/Hack-Club-JS
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Got 2 more modules ready for MCProxy along with a new command The LC Staff Mods module lets you access hidden lunar client staff mods (like client-side x-ray) Duels Utilities now highlights players in a color correlating to their health, green for high, red for low Dump Packets is a command to dump every packet for the next n milliseconds
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Got Bedwars Utilities ready in MCProxy with a Player Highlight portion already done, it just highlights player (works in all modes) with their team color!
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Added 2 fresh modules to MCProxy! Discord RPC and Duels Utilities Discord RPC simply has a configurable discord activity overlay Duels Utilities is a module compilation, which as of now has better bridge block placements (stop block lag), bridge player tracker (show distances and if you are ahead of behind opponent), and duels highlight (highlight players in duels and skywars, and highlight red or blue in bridge) github.com/TBHGodPro/McProxy/commit/6351ced1ba74bc50b92c8fbfc9fb43588f657813 github.com/TBHGodPro/McProxy/commit/7a9f76b850001d4cbb4778516abb2745859ad386 github.com/TBHGodPro/McProxy/commit/48f2419bb77b7e0cf518bf8c195e45fa99b22e7e
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I got a party tracking module working in MCProxy. It uses the hypixel mod api along with a wrapper I wrote for it in typescript (the first publicly available one at github.com/TBHGodPro/Hypixel-Mod-API-JS) along with the lunar client apollo server-to-client api with also a wrapper I wrote for it in typescript (also the first publicly available one at github.com/TBHGodPro/LC-Apollo-JS) and merged them with MCProxy so you can keep track of your party members with a simple indicator, even through walls! github.com/TBHGodPro/McProxy/commit/074e55cc39f1c42c8d9839a96bfee50aae9f756a github.com/TBHGodPro/Hypixel-Mod-API-JS/commit/19657ef612e55f692017aae2517f5e88e4c5d52e github.com/TBHGodPro/LC-Apollo-JS/commit/25647aa2325bc573127afc7d23d87b5c717e541a
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Been working on the proxy for hypixel, added commands, and made a command for muting chat which hides all messages that shouldn’t be important to me (don’t include my name and aren’t from my party or guild) (for the record, this in-game screenshot was taken in skyblock lobby 1, which is notorious for crazy chat spam, and it was muted for a good minute)
Got the proxy on hypixel working, plugin development begins, and here is the first one: a customizable dynamic boss bar github.com/TBHGodPro/McProxy
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Making a proxy for the minecraft server hypixel. I’ve already made one in the past, but this is kind of a refurbish, from scratch. Idea is a much cleaner codebase especially for modules. Already have most things implemented, all thats left is custom / command handlers and then actually making the modules