

Today was a busy day on Morning and Evening but fortunately on the Afternoon I found some time to play Minecraft with the one only @Odysseus I also did my Duolingo practice btw.
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Today was a really interesting and difficult day. What I did :ultrafastparrot: 1️⃣ Started working on a massive rework of Kelp LTD website using Nuxt and Vue. It is going quite smoothly! 2️⃣ Wrote an ~2h math test, not that fun 3️⃣ Started working on an idea of mine, an Electrical Calculator / Graph creator. While many of these tools already exist, I'd like to try creating my own. Anyways, I started with the UI & Toolbar. I forgor to take a screenshot lol 4️⃣ Commodore 64 time again! I learned about the get function, really fun stuff tbh 5️⃣ And of course played :minecraft: with the one and only @Odysseus & @doruk
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Today is the 3rd and final day of what I call Winter Hardware Wonderland Extended Edition :winter-hardware-wonderland: :ultrafastparrot:. ~~ Project Description Want to plant flowers but you don't know where to plant them? Utilise the Plant Location Chooser that helps you decided the place based on the environment ( i.e. Humidity, Temperature) The 📜 Changelog of wisdom 1️⃣ Soil moisture is working with no crashes! 2️⃣ Soil moisture calibration mode. ~~ :future_potato: What is tomorrow? ~~ Need to publish the latest code on the repo and create a pcb design! ~~ It is :minecraft: time ~~~ I and @Odysseus expanded our kelp empire, ans created our first stores! Furthermore construction on GNHATS, Galaxy Nether Highway and Transport System, has begun! Section I, II are already completed.
Today is the first day of what I call Winter Hardware Wonderland Extended Edition :winter-hardware-wonderland: :ultrafastparrot:. ~~ Project Description Want to plant flowers but you don't know where to plant them? Utilise the Plant Location Chooser that helps you decided the place based on the environment ( i.e. Humidity, Temperature) The 📜 Changelog of wisdom 1️⃣ Introduces the final hardware component, the Soil Moisture Sensor 👏 ~~ :future_potato: What are you going to do tomorrow? ~~ That's a pretty good question! I plan to finally finished the software! Bluetooth listening sucks. ~~ Hey what's this? :minecraft: ~~~ Yes that's right! Today was pretty chill I decided to play some Minecraft on the official server ( If you have minecraft do join #minecraft for more details ) featuring the one and only @Odysseus and @DevIos! I at least had an amazing time.