
Posts tagged with :milky_way:

I previously made a scrapbook post about my astronomy project called AstroWatching, where you can look at a map of stars and observe information about them. You can look around in a real 3D representation of space, complete with Earth, stars, a galaxy, and a real background of space. I used MongoDB and websockets to power the backend, and there's a database of 100,000+ stars I am pulling from - you can search a star by its ID, so try 11734 for the North Star, for example. I'm happy to make a progress update about the app. Now, there is a setting to enable/disable the Earth in AstroWatching to see stars that are otherwise blocked by it. The Earth is not accurate yet, but in the future, I plan to have the side of the Earth face a certain point space so that it is fully accurate to how it really is. Right now, the Earth is just a spinning sphere. You can also enable/disable the 1,000 brightest stars. Each blue dot is one of the bright stars, and if you disable the 1,000 brightest stars you will find that the brightest parts of the night sky are all covered by a blue dot. In the future, I hope to automatically load representations of stars as the user zooms into some certain part of the screen, as there are many, many more than 1,000 stars. The brightest blue dots have the highest declination and thus are the most northernmost on the celestial sphere, so if you use the 3D viewer and look to the top, you will see the North Star right at the location of the brightest blue dot. Some problems right now are that the app knows which stars are the 1,000 brightest, but not specifically which is which. I need to figure out how to ID each blue dot so that a user can just click it and get information right away. Also, the 3D background takes way too much data and I need to figure out how to cut that down. Although I was planning on adding more to this progress update, Arcade is ending, so this will be my last scrapbook post. I really liked Arcade and it motivated me to create new things. You can try AstroWatching here! eddyzow.net/astrowatching Github Folder: github.com/eddyzow/eddyzow.github.io/tree/main/docs/astrowatching Last Commit: github.com/eddyzow/eddyzow.github.io/commit/c73652ed9a890d12f7fe462cafb5eae034019267
i have a hunch that copy and pasting might be the reason why some of these dont work but hopefully I'm just wrong..? Attempting a Sound Galaxy thanks to a tutorial on hack club! github.com/RyuYaY/sound-galaxy
Motion components done for my diy spacemouse. Wiring upcoming. Hoping I ship tonight!
i've decided to make a new portfolio. its gonna be a 3d solar galaxy with multiple solar systems where each solar system is a type of project and then each planet within that solar system is a project. (that's a mouthful) so far ive managed to make some orbiting planets around a sun and a galaxy system with multiple solar systems. it's not interactive yet, but it imports everything from a json file which is neat.
I just watched the last episode of Star Trek Picard! and let me tell you the recent ending of Star Trek: Picard was nothing short of amazing. I was glued to the screen as I watched Jean-Luc Picard and the rest of the crew navigate the dangers of the galaxy and tackle the rogue assimilating all-powerful artificial intelligence THE BORG! I mean you guys have to definitely watch stuff from the STAR TREK Franchise!
I have a funny story today about My aunt broken Samsung A6+ that her gave it to me about 2 month ago. And the screen is dead. But yesterday when I trying to find a phone to play the game that not supported by the iPhone 6 Plus that I currently use right now and After I tried to get Samsung Galaxy S6 to work but it didn't so I just plugged that phone for fun and It's booted up like it's nothing wrong on it. But I tried so many times to get it working after I got it on the first day I swapped my phone with My aunt. And it just suddenly work like nothing happened. But after that it broke again and after I taking a long sleep. It's working again. And I still don't know why. But at least I can use it again rather it's turn to a paperweight. (And thank you for reading to the end. And I think it's a long scrapbook post that ever been in this channel now but thanks again who that reads to the ends.)
Made this galaxy in ThreeJS today!
Today is the 3rd and final day of what I call Winter Hardware Wonderland Extended Edition :winter-hardware-wonderland: :ultrafastparrot:. ~~ Project Description Want to plant flowers but you don't know where to plant them? Utilise the Plant Location Chooser that helps you decided the place based on the environment ( i.e. Humidity, Temperature) The 📜 Changelog of wisdom 1️⃣ Soil moisture is working with no crashes! 2️⃣ Soil moisture calibration mode. ~~ :future_potato: What is tomorrow? ~~ Need to publish the latest code on the repo and create a pcb design! ~~ It is :minecraft: time ~~~ I and @Odysseus expanded our kelp empire, ans created our first stores! Furthermore construction on GNHATS, Galaxy Nether Highway and Transport System, has begun! Section I, II are already completed.
This photo was taken by the hubble space telescope when i was 2 years old, love it ❤️