
Posts tagged with :hushed:

used GitHub pages to open a repo and clone it into VSCode…usually I start in VSCode and then use the command line to push to GitHub. It was cool to just figure out a new way on my own that’s actually easier
Finally got a working Octoprint timelapse, or "Octolapse". Couldn't find a single working tutorial on how to do it with a phone instead of a webcam or digital camera or the Raspberry Pi camera module. Made my way through many documentations and YouTube videos and finally got it working. Getting Octoprint itself was quite a bit of a challenge having a clone Arduino on my 3D printer. Raspberry pi just couldn't seem to detect the Arduino, but eventually figured out a way to make it work. Many hours of tinkering around was totally worth it. Time to get some amazing timelapses on my next prints
I've been trying to switch to
vim emoji
for the past couple days and unfortunately I screwed up when installing plugins, so I had to delete everything in the directory that Neovim was and start setting it up all from scratch. And after many days of struggle I finally finished setting it up, so I can finally code again. It wouldn't be possible to start from scratch again without many members of the community, such as @ced, @luke, @swlittle7, and many others.
Trying hard to adapt to vim (nvim) as the main development environment. It might look tiring, but it's hellla fun. Specially with all the plugins and configs I learned about, makes vim really powerful
graphics programming, OwO written in Rust
dabbing emoji
custom 3d renderer