

0-day streak
Hacking sim game update: Added a Working random chance based odd job section to earn some quick cash ingame. Not gonna lie, setting up the algorithm (are they called algorithms?) for random weights and setting chances of success/failure based on player level, experience, current money on hand etc. was quite fun, unlike the inside jokes. Need to work on them more 😛
https://cloud-oss6u79vb.vercel.app/0image.png https://cloud-oss6u79vb.vercel.app/1image.png
Day 2 (Hypothetically) of working on my Hacking Simulator game. Created a UI, and an almost working backend for a virtual hardware shop for the players.
summer-of-making emoji
clapping emoji
Trying hard to adapt to vim (nvim) as the main development environment. It might look tiring, but it's hellla fun. Specially with all the plugins and configs I learned about, makes vim really powerful
Today I created a Linux terminal based design using vanilla JavaScript and CSS to get virtual hardware information of a player in a hacking simulator game I'm working on.... Can't say I'm not proud of it 😂