

0-day streak
Day 12 of #C045S4393CY| Added fun new messages the bot sends when prompted. The bot sends it on "stat sendfun" lol
Day 11 of #C045S4393CY|, continued with my sock project even though #C08DPRYMWF8| is over. In python i added images that it sends like little icons and worked on a image resizing module.
wom emoji
python emoji
10daysinpublic emoji
day 10 of #C045S4393CY| worked on juice project and added UI to it, the ui took time to draw in aseprite
Worked on my juice game and added animations in which the player and horse both have an idle and walking animation, i also added the horse riding system. Day 9 of #C045S4393CY| #C088UF12N1Z|
Day 8 of #C045S4393CY|, added error validation and logs to check if things were working, got stuff up and running on my big server that i have so now my bot is officially hosted using discord, and a week of time
day #GQU39BB50| of #C045S4393CY| I made it so the deepseek api finally connects to and provides an output, with that my sock project is done and i will do my juice project starting tommorow and will rsvp again. will ship and you should check it out in #C0M8PUPU6| and i made this with @Shree
day 6 of #C045S4393CY| : Made deepseek api and fed user messages list into it, will make it so that user gets back feedback. I also refined some errors in the script to make sure encryption was secure.
10daysinpublic emoji
wom emoji
python emoji
day 4 of #C045S4393CY| Testing is going well, implemented a DM system so that the bot can dm the users on discord, this was pretty hard in python bc of how garbage is but i made it work out in the end!
Day 3 of #C045S4393CY| Built a function and spent a lot of time fixing errors to make sure that it shows bad words list properly instead of tweaking out and not saying anything.
wom emoji
python emoji
10daysinpublic emoji
day 2/15 of #C045S4393CY| Today i made a thing to censor bad words on my discord bot by finding a huge dataset of bad words on github and applying it so it removes a level when you swear, also made it so negative levels are impossible.
Day 1/15 of #C045S4393CY| Today, I added a emoji detector and more commands to my discord bot that im working on with @Shree . I built more commands and made a button work with a fancy UI and made all the users emojis store to a list in which they can see through a command. Solid work time.