The start of my game for Arcade Game Jam !!!!!!! Check the repo -> to do terrain but 😕 Not great
I've finished modeling my desklamp !!!
Godot plush in blender !
I have finished my Blender Bedroom !!!!
I've improved my website a lot !I've created a new website !!!!! Go check it out at It's a TUI based website (cli like experience is made with JS)
1 week ago I finished assembling my pcbs for the Trail ! I've been quite busy so I didnt posted anything here (I reflashed every pcb because of a bug at 2am 💀 )
I finished my Trail PCB !!!!! Now time for mass producting it ! You can look at the PCB hardware (and a little explanation on our component choices) and at the software too (Written in micropython)
Github link :