0-day streak
Today I added the discord login with passport to my backend to protect some pages
Added a scroll down animation to the “more project” section of my portfolio exelvi.github.io
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Added the more projects button to my personal portfolio exelvi.xyz
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Today I fixed the terminal button in my website, it was preventing other buttons from clicking https://exelvi.github.io/
Today, I made this profile views counter with express.js and canvas for my github profile!
Today I am tidying up and cleaning my arduino kits, I have a lot of modules so it will take a while
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Today I made this landing page for my gmod server (where I play with friends, however I felt like making it anyway). I used bootstrap for the styling
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I always had a lot of arduino RFID modules to solder, today I decided to solder them one by one
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Some of my arcade prizes arrived! I immediately tried them out. I fixed a button on a sub ghz remote that didn’t work
Today I added my Music bot to my vps https://github.com/EXELVI/Discord-Music-Bot
Added my password generator to my backend
Today I organized my backend code a bit for my site, also hosting my friend's site
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Today I didn't do anything much, in the morning I went for a bike ride, and in the afternoon I focused on making my site a little more mobile responsive
Today I put my site in my vps, also doing a backend to it, no big deal for today
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Web Editor A real-time collaborative text editor built with Node.js, Express, and Socket.io. This project allows multiple users to edit text documents simultaneously, with support for syntax highlighting and real-time cursor tracking. github.com/EXELVI/editor
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Today I started again with arcade! I started to make this shared web editor, so far it's coming good, there is some bugs but I will fix them tomorrow
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Today I just simply voted on the showcase submissions, I had a headache so I didn't do as much today
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Today I did nothing much, I made this thermostat in a few minutes, which I attached to my fan since today it was really hot, I used a aht20+bmp280 sensor and an Arduino UNO R4 WiFi
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Today I wasn't home for all the day, and when I got home I was so tired so I didn't do anything of arcade. I still submitted a lot of projects for the showcase, though.
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Arduino Local Weather Station A local web server displaying real-time weather information all made with Arduino. It uses the AHT20 sensor to measure temperature and humidity, and the BMP280 sensor to measure atmospheric pressure and temperature. github.com/EXELVI/Arduino_Local_Weather_Station
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SCP: SL keycard reader I made the SCP: SL keycard reader in fusion
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Today I didn't do anything of arcade, instead I focused on video editing, I edited this gameplay between me and a friend of mine, so now and then we can watch it again and have a few laughs
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#arcade Stats Display I made this world stats display with the CC: Tweaked mod in lua, it shows the time of the world, the weather and the Mekanism Radiations Levels, I also added an RSS news feed in the bottom. github.com/EXELVI/statsDisplay
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Today I'm back from vacation and I'm very tired, so I only did three hours of arcade of something I'm still continuing, so for today I'm posting this just to keep the streak going :D (I actually also did something else, in lua on minecraft, an elevator system with CC: Tweaked (the picture is of the code of this))
Today I'm still on vacation so I didn't do anything in particular, I just made this digital clock in node.js in a few minutes
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#arcade Game commands for my ssh terminal I did the commands for the games instead of just the login for my ssh terminal made in node.js github.com/EXELVI/ssh-terminal
Today I am on vacation so I am just playing with an Arduino UNO R4 and an RFID module
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#arcade Rock paper scissors for my ssh terminal I made the Rock paper scissors game for my ssh terminal made in node.js github.com/EXELVI/ssh-terminal
#arcade Web Crawler I made this web crawler (Done initially to find out the rickrolls of my friends :D ), has various functions, takes a screenshot every 500 milliseconds and shows it in the results, and automatically ignores the cookie popup github.com/EXELVI/crawler
#arcade Image Gallery I made this image gallery in node.js, it uses cropper.js for the image cropping and it has a web socket for live updates github.com/EXELVI/Image_gallery
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#arcade SSH Terminal I made this terminal in node.js, you can connect via ssh, it has a lot of commands and it also has filesystem and user management github.com/EXELVI/ssh-terminal
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#arcade CDN I made this CDN with express.js, it uses a json database for the history and it uses multer to manage the files github.com/EXELVI/cdn
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#arcade Portfolio for a friend I made this porfolio for my friend (since he didn't have one), I used bootstrap for styling, parallax for background, etc. github.com/EXELVI/artur3333.github.io
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#arcade Chat Room I made this chat room in node.js with express and socket.io (it's my first time using it), I also added file upload, activities like TicTacToe and Rock Paper Scissors, multiple channels and more github.com/EXELVI/chat-room
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#arcade Discord Roblox Verify I did this verification between Discord and roblox, the user just presses the verify button, puts in his username and join a roblox experience github.com/EXELVI/Discord_roblox_verify
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#arcade Snake Game I made this snake game in HTML and javascript, I used bootstrap for the style, I made a replay function where you can download and replay your match. I also tried integrating an AI with tensorflow.js (it is my first time using it) but it did not go well, the ai always moves in the same direction github.com/EXELVI/snake
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Web Expense Dashboard I made this dashboard to track expenses, you can break them down into categories (like the site or just a name) and you can also view them in a chart by day github.com/EXELVI/expense_dashboard
Today I am in the mountains, just experimenting with radio frequencies since there is little interference there
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#arcade Arduino Countdown I made this Countdown with an Arduino UNO R4 WiFi and a 0,96'' OLED Display, it syncs the time with an ntp protocol (it still can be used without wifi by attaching a battery to the RTC Pins) github.com/EXELVI/Arduino_Countdown
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#arcade Arduino Web Stopwatch I made this stopwatch using an Arduino UNO R4 WiFi, everything (including the website) is hosted in the arduino, there is also a lap times system and the webpage automaticaly updates without refreshing github.com/EXELVI/Web_Stopwatch
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#arcade To-Do Website I made this To-Do website with a express.js backend, you can make different lists of To-Dos and also set a description and a priority github.com/EXELVI/To-Do-Website
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Terminal Website I improved my terminal made in HTML, JS and CSS by adding to it the alias command, unalias, stats: making a system for statistics (e.g. how many commands were executed, etc.), and nano. I also added a screenshot button that saves a screenshot of the terminal (in your PC) exelvi.github.io/terminal github.com/EXELVI/terminal
#arcade Discord Music Bot I made this music bot with Distube, it includes a wide range of commands. It also supports spotify, youtube and soundcloud github.com/EXELVI/Discord-Music-Bot
#arcade Discord To-Do Bot A Discord bot for To-Dos, you can edit, delete, set as complete, add multiple users and set a reminder date for the To-Do github.com/EXELVI/Discord-To-Do-Bot
#arcade Arduino and Discord Door Logger I made this Door Logger with Discord Webhooks and an Arduino UNO R4 WIFI and a Magnetic Switch sensor. github.com/EXELVI/DoorLogger
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#arcade Website Terminal This is a web-based terminal application built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Originally made for portfolio purposes, this project is a simple implementation of a terminal interface that allows users to execute commands, navigate the file system, ecc... github.com/EXELVI/terminal exelvi.github.io/terminal
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#arcade Arduino Arcade Timer (Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 version) I made the Arcade Session Timer with Arduino MKR WiFi 1010, a 0.96" OLED Display I2C and a DS3231 RTC github.com/EXELVI/ArcadeTime_OLED
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#arcade Connect Four I made connect four in HTML, JavaScript and CSS, there is also a theme changer and you can play with AI github.com/EXELVI/Connect_Four
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#arcade Arduino Spotify Volume Control I made this spotify volume control with a rotatory encoder, a 20x4 I2C Lcd and an Arduino Uno R4 WiFi, it uses spotify api to change the volume. github.com/EXELVI/Spotify_Volume
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#arcade Memory game The code uses Bootstrap for styling and includes a variety of themes, such as fruits, animals, flags, and more. The selected theme determines the symbols displayed on the cards. github.com/EXELVI/Memory_game
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#arcade Weather Website A weather website (frontend and backend with node.js), uses openweathermap api for weather and theysaidso api for a daily quote on the home page github.com/EXELVI/Weather_website
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#arcade Arduino Smart House I tried to make a miniature wooden house, putting lights, sensors, doors, and burglar alarm. I made it all with an Arduino Mega. I also put a flame sensor for a fire alarm system with two buzzers (one passive and one active) github.com/EXELVI/Arduino_Smart_Home
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#arcade A small and simple project to measure the temperature of a peltier with an OLED display and Arduino
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#arcade I used an OLED screen and two illuminated buttons and an Arduino UNO R4 WiFi, it communicates the information with the serial port via a node.js code
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An Arduino weather station with cloud time sync and that takes the info from openweathermap api
The website is a my personal portfolio. It showcases projects, highlights skills and tools, and includes social media links, ecc... I also added a translation system exelvi.github.io
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#arcade The code handles game logic, such as checking for wins or draws, and updating the game state accordingly. Additionally, there is a feature to download the game board as an image. The code uses Bootstrap for styling and includes a JavaScript library for AI functionality. exelvi.github.io/TicTacToe-Website
A Rock Paper Scissors website. It allows users to play against each other or against an AI opponent. The interface is designed using Bootstrap. The scores of both players are displayed, and the game resets after each round. exelvi.github.io/rock-paper-scissors-website