Once I spend $500 on a full duplex SDR transceiver I will start work on a phased array radar system with beamforming algorithms and etc techniques
L band sat data
Hello! This is my third post and it includes my BOM, as usual you can find it on my GitHub profile.
Hello I am uploading some measurements of the framing, if any other measurements are needed, please feel free to ask away.
Hello, I uploaded my configuration files in LUA for DCS: World, for a 1600900 main monitor with a 19201080 extra monitor split double for a double MFD setup similar to those found in the A-10C, F-16CM BL.50/2, AV-8B harrier, the top row of the F/A-18C hornet ( it has a MFCD aft of central console). If anyone needs help feel free to DM me or reply with any questions.
REPO: github.com/Cohen-Koen/Cougar-MFD-screen-repo
In photo: F-16CM BL.50 in A/A mode with AIM-120C7 and AIM-9x missiles equiped. RWS search with datalink. In the Syrian Theater.
After getting home after practice at 7, I saw that my hardware had arrived, so after 5 hours of work that night I have got the in game and frame setup for a piece of my setup