Easily clean your Laptop or PC without causing unwanted input through Keyboard, Trackpad or Touchscreen!
Unfortunately I made the decision to code a Windows app with react-native, which doesnt support native access to the Windows APIs, whichI need to block the input though (I did try coding my own Module in C++ for this; wihtout success though). I noticed this at a point where the frontend was basically already finished, so I decided to just finalize the frontend and not code the backend. Maybe I will try again in the future, who knows ;)
Here's the link to the GitHub repo and I've attached a video demo of the frontend
Edit: I did write a few simple Python scripts that should do the same thing though, they are located in /src/python !Finished the mobile design of my portfolio website - its ready to be published now!
(the image will get replaced with a proper image of me soon)
github.com/CodeModeYT/PortfolioI built my own Portfolio (boring, I know, but I decided to spice it up so I coded it in React to learn it and finally step away from vanilla js)
the site is only for Desktop yet, a mobile version will hopefully follow soon
(also the Image will of course will get replaced by an image of me, but I didn't want to share that here)
Stopped developing on this project, but you can still use it: github.com/CodeModeYT/EURO-CustomGoalAnthem
It originally played Major Tom whenever Germany scored during the EUROs. If you still want to use it (with other games / other clubs), you can run it locally.
Notion-WebUntis V1.1.0: github.com/CodeModeYT/Notion-WebUntis/releases/tag/v1.1.0
Add your WebUntis timetable to your Notion pages!
Update changes:
Added features:
• improved CLI UI / UX (with progress bar)
• 'last updated' & progress display in Notion
• Update trigger on Notion
• advanced settings
... and other general minor improvements
Integrate your WebUntis timetable into your Notion boards!
This Python project automatically fetches your timetable from the WebUntis API and adds it to a Notion database (--> picture)
Check it out here: github.com/CodeModeYT/Notion-WebUntis