

0-day streak
Working on workshops that I am teaching in two days for beginner electronics, just refining my lesson
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Made more user friendly, can change how much tasks you want to see per each type now
spring-of-making emoji
Added file system to my SkillTree project, saves data so I don't have to keep program running (basically just saves what ive done and keeps the pullNumbers of each task so the random chooser is balanced
spring-of-making emoji
Just putting this here for my scrapbook A 2-3 day project. Basically I can't figure out what skills to work on half the time, I want to fit in a project, some skills, one studying topic, and a workout in my day since I'm usually home alone. Well the problem is I forget what I want to work on, I get distracted of what I want to do instead of what I can do, and I'm too lazy to organize my schedule in the morning, and I get profusely bored of planned schedules. SO I spent a lot of time these past two days writing a C++ program in replit to take in "Tasks" which consist of a type (projects, skills, studying, working out). My program allows me to choose how much projects/skills/studies/workouts I want to do each day, and sort of randomly (I basically have a pull counter for how much a task has been rolled, my program picks random from the ones with the lowest pulls so I get variety in what i work on but also hit each task I put on) and unlockable skills by marking the base skills as complete.* Yes it's through console, there's practically no interface, and it's on replit, but I think I still made a tool that I am going to be using every day regardless during the summer. Here's the github link, Idk if I set it up properly, one of the main reasons I made this project was so I can learn all the skills I have been putting aside to focus on electronics and other stuff soooo
I've been working on making an electronic device + manual for helping my club members learn electronics since its good for others to learn from hands on experience and have something the can mess around What I worked on today (3 hours for arcade #hack-hour event) is what is in the video. Working on the manual pages includes the time it took to plan today which is why a bit of pages took so long, however I am making progress over time from making a (scuffed PCB that I have to improve) to building a guide and projects for beginners with it