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Voice assistant with Java and Python I'm gonna be gone for a few days so might as well post Nora
mad_ping_sock emoji
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Automated MAC Address Changer Wifi providers normally "block" your device from accessing the internet with your MAC address When someone blocks internet access to your device, it can be super annoying especially if you need to do homework at an ungodly time of day. Luckily for you, I have just the solution (for Linux users only) Normally if you go into settings and change it, you are still blocked from accessing the wifi. With this script you can change it, efficiently by using the ip link Linux command. To Run: pythnon3
I've been working on a CLI version of TicTacToe There are still more features to be added/bug fixes, but this is a milestone. Will work on it some more at a future point, just a little burned out with TicTacToe (I get burned out easily) But currently, you can compile it into an executable Jar file, and you can play PvP or Player vs Easy mode (which randomly chooses) The Minimax algorithm has an annoying bug I need to fix, but it's gonna take longer than I have time for. Compile it with mvn clean compile assembly:single <> Compile it with