last few mixing samples before i make the switch to ableton (supposedly its better suited but everything about it seems confusing)
bunch of sessions i forgot to bank, pretty sure they all have scraps but its been a while-- up to reviewer discretion!
i think i've gotten the hang of FL studio and all the vsts and plugins in it, so now im going to move to making remixes. you can see my progress at
i’ve been experimenting with new styles of music and some new plugins and software that i just got and you can hear some of the works i’ve been working on here: (again for more sessions)i’ve been experimenting with new styles of music and some new plugins and software that i just got and you can hear some of the works i’ve been working on here: (i’ve literally been obsessed)more music! i just moved over to FL 21 so ive got some more features to play with!
i’ve been continuing to work on making music, you can see some that i’ve been working on here: i’m mainly just experimenting with different styles (im aware now that for github makes you download im working on an alternative!) (second time for more sessions)
i’ve been continuing to work on making music, you can see some that i’ve been working on here: i’m mainly just experimenting with different styles (im aware now that for github makes you download im working on an alternative!)
i designed my personal website on framer (similar to figma, i'd classify it as art), which can be found at and feel free to take inspiration or just copy my designs, i'm just mainly experimenting with website design for now. any feedback on the looks of the site or its usability would be appreciated!!
so I've been working on prototyping and building a personal website, somewhat like an online resume and also to host any projects I might work on. I've just got to a point where the website design is fully built and all parts are functional, however I'm going to continue building on it and improving it until well its perfect. you can find the project at
disclaimer: this is a design, so more so art than a website since its just prototyping the design