

0-day streak
Working on another video (please US BLM plss respond to my info req LOL)
Just shipped an idea I had this morning! github.com/flatypus/flowchat I was thinking about how often I'd create chains of data with GPT, but I wanted the process a lot more streamlined than langchain does, and this came out! It's published on PyPI at pip install flowchat 🙂 Here's an example of the usage, hopefully it make sense lol. Definitely lmk if I can improve this idea!
Working on my portfolio website, just finished the basic UI, it's meant to be sorta like a mac emulator but I can put content on each window
Not really too programming related, but after going to japan recently i've commited to attempting to learn Japanese, and this is the first step 🙂 there's the dakuten and combination kana but those i think i've gotten as well, katakana is next!