

0-day streak
2048 Game in Pygame This is a simple implementation of the classic 2048 game using Python and Pygame. The game involves combining tiles with the same number to reach the 2048 tile. You can move tiles up, down, left, or right to achieve this goal. Features • Smooth Animations: Tiles smoothly move to their new positions during each move. • Undo: You can undo your previous move using the U key. • Save and Load: The game state, including the current score and high score, can be saved and loaded. • Victory and Game Over: Special screens are shown when the player wins (reaches 2048) or loses (no more moves available). • High Score: Your highest score is tracked and displayed. github.com/hemendra2007/twenty-fourty-eight
TodoApp A simple command-line Todo application built in Python for managing tasks. It allows users to add, view, edit, delete, and mark tasks as done, along with setting priorities, due dates, and reminders. Tasks can be sorted and filtered based on various criteria, and completed tasks can be archived. Features Add Task: Add a new task with optional due date, priority, and reminder. View Tasks: View pending and completed tasks with status, due dates, priorities, and reminders. Mark Task as Done: Mark a specific task as completed. Delete Task: Delete a specific task. Edit Task: Edit the content of a specific task. Set Priority: Set a priority level (High, Medium, Low) for a task. Set Due Date: Update the due date of a task. Set Reminder: Set a reminder date for a task. Clear All Tasks: Clear all tasks from the list. Search Task: Search for tasks by keyword. Undo Last Delete: Restore the last deleted task. Sort Tasks: Sort tasks by name, status, priority, due date, or creation date. Filter by Due Date: Filter tasks by a specific due date. Task Count: Display the count of total, pending, and completed tasks. Archive Completed Tasks: Archive completed tasks to a separate file. Help Menu: Display a help menu with descriptions of available commands. github.com/Hemendra2007/todo
python emoji
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
weatherX is a terminal-based Weather App that allows users to fetch current weather data, view a 7-day forecast, set temperature alerts, and log weather data for future review. The app uses the OpenWeatherMap API to retrieve weather information. Features Fetch Current Weather Data: Get real-time weather data for any city, including temperature, humidity, wind speed, and description. 7-Day Weather Forecast: Retrieve a 7-day forecast for a specified city. Temperature Alerts: Set alerts for temperature conditions (above or below a threshold) and get notified when conditions are met. Weather Data Logging: Log weather data into a file for future review. Delete Log Entries: Delete specific log entries from the log file. Clear Weather Log: Clear all entries from the weather log. Save Preferences: Set and save preferences such as default city and temperature unit (Celsius/Fahrenheit). github.com/Hemendra2007/WeatherX
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
Habit Tracker A simple habit tracking application built with Python that helps you monitor and manage your daily habits. This application allows you to add, mark, delete, reset, and track your progress for various habits. Features Add new habits under specific categories. Mark habits as completed on a daily basis. Track habit streaks and view the longest streak. Display habits by categories and date range. Backup and restore your habit data. View summary of all habits and categories. github.com/Hemendra2007/Habit-Tracker
python emoji
summer-of-making emoji
github emoji
The Personal Finance Tracker is a Python application that helps users manage their personal finances by tracking income and expenses. It provides functionalities to add, view, and filter transactions, as well as generate visual reports to analyze spending patterns. Features • Add Transactions: Record details of income and expenses with date, amount, category, and optional description. • View Transactions: Display all transactions or filter by date range or category. • Category Summary: View total spending by category. • Total Balance: Calculate the total balance from all transactions. • Visualization: ◦ Pie Chart: Visualize spending by category. ◦ Bar Chart: Show monthly spending trends. • Export and Save: ◦ CSV Export: Save transactions to a CSV file. ◦ Image Export: Save charts as PNG images. github.com/Hemendra2007/Personal-Finance-Tracker/tree/main
Created Game-Java repository! This project includes implementations of classic games in Java. Currently, it contains the following games: Hangman A classic word-guessing game where players try to guess the letters of a hidden word. Features include difficulty levels and hint options. image image Number Sequencing Game A memory game where players must memorize and recall a sequence of numbers. The game includes a scoring system and a leaderboard. image image Tic-Tac-Toe A two-player game where players take turns marking cells in a 3x3 grid. The first player to get three of their marks in a row, column, or diagonal wins. github.com/Hemendra2007/Game-Java
Created a C program that implements a simple database management system. It provides the following functionalities: 1. Create Database: Allows the user to create a new database within the "Data" directory. 2. Create Table: Enables creating a new table in an existing database, with a schema defined by column names. 3. Insert Data: Inserts a new row of data into an existing table. 4. Show Databases/Tables: Lists all databases or tables within a specified database. 5. View Data: Displays the content of a specified table. 6. Drop Database/Table: Deletes an entire database or a specific table. 7. Delete Row: Removes a specific row from a table based on user input. 8. Exit: Terminates the program. The program uses standard file and directory operations to manage databases and tables, with a simple text-based interface for user interaction. github.com/Hemendra2007/DBMS-Prototype