

0-day streak
Whitemind v0.3 just dropped! with this ship, most of the frontend work is done. Main added functionalities were an massively improved design by restructuring to tailwind css, enabling markdown writing for the tutorial page and quto dark mode for every page. also, every planned page has been set up so we only need to write some text and add a bunch of images to get it done. unfortunately, the markdown cannott be properly styled by now so we have to see how it goes in detail, but i am confident to find a proper way to do so in the future! the repo link is here and we set up a domain for the project too so you can visit the website: happy to announce the first working version of the whitemind interface enabling custom drag and drop applications for control flow. in this release, i primarily enabled arrow handling and made sure that there is a user friendly way to establish them. also there were a lot of minor bug fixes. A older version of the website can be viewed at but you also can ng s the github repo to view this website 😄 This is an angular-based interface for enabling drag-drop interaction with the framework brainet built by an friend of mine. First scrapbook submit so i hope i do this right