Day 11 #C045S4393CY| Added open world, fixed the playermovement script, and fiddled with how nightish was good enough for the new enviroment.Day 10 #C045S4393CY|
Fixed the Hands IK finally, added zombies killed tracking, also per match tracking, added recent matches tracking, also fixed bugs related to updating waves survived, you cant see hands rn, because its set to a bad rotation offset, but il have to finetune it properly later.Day 9 #C045S4393CY|
got PCB of my hackboard done
And for juice quite a lot of website stuff, but got syncing of most waves survived, gonna add other stats like zombies killed etc. error with updating is a few weird sql row security problems which il fix tmrw
Day 8 #C045S4393CY|
worked quite a bit on the website for juice game, looks pretty sick now, and also did new builds for updated version of game, also worked on a frontend to control ne/on led matrix!
Day 7 #C045S4393CY|
very WIP site, added ADS on uzi, fixed muzzle flash, also i tried to debug hands more, but its just too hard, i might try another method or just give up w handsDay 6 #C045S4393CY|
worked on quite a few bugfixes like zombies despawning after they're supposed to, made smg animations + sound effects, although muzzle flash gets bugged in animation, which il fix, and also added smoke grenade sfxDay 5 #C045S4393CY|
added Uzi, no animations yet, but configured it so it works + SMG ammo, also tried to debug a bit with why the IK wasnt working, also found a bug where zombies take time to register that they're deadDay 3 #C045S4393CY| added night lighting, postprocessing, fixed bugs with zombie models and player detectionDay 2 #C045S4393CY|
Added Visual effects + SFX, added player HP + player death, added wave system + zombie spawner. added main menu, and high score saving, updated itch with all of the above too#C045S4393CY| day 1!
added zombies / enemies, with animations and state machine, have to add damage to player and fix clipping with camera