0-day streak
You don't know how much pain such a simple thing took in Rust ( But at least now I know how to pass state to child components (this is my first ever project)!
rustlang emoji
can someone remind me again, WHY THE HELL did I decide it was a good idea to write a website in Rust???
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I hate the Rust borrow checker sometimes... Especially when writing websites in a React-like framework ( Today I also learned a lot about OpenID Connect, which will be useful in a project soon Shipping my personal website probably tomorrow or the day after!
rustlang emoji
react emoji
It's slowly coming along... I've noticed that the Rust ecosystem for frontend web development is really lacking currently... For example there isn't even an icon library for Yew!
rustlang emoji
Hi everyone! This is my first project for High Seas, and also my first project - my new personal website! It's going great so far - I've already set it up, added a Nix flake, and got some basic (of course Catppuccin Mocha themed!) design going. Nix integration with any sort of non-standard thing is an absolute pain though...