

0-day streak
TENTH milestone Added audio format conversions between flac, mp3, aac, alac, vobis, and opus! Also wrapped up bugs and working on deployment, the app is finally done after 150+ hours! There are obviously still places of improvement and likely more bugs, but all the main features are complete now. Video below shows the last feature (at least for this summer), audio conversion.
Ninth milestone Many UI improvements Worked on adding marquee text (looping), shortcut buttons, button animations (scale/up/down on click), and new settings (notifications, ffmpeg path, shortcuts for each page) Shortcut buttons are directly on list items and make it so user does not have to open preview each time they want to access something. The shortcuts to show can be customized through settings.
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Eight milestone Mainly worked on local-related settings such as audio format conversions and downloading Other major change includes multithreading for queue tasks and many infobar improvements (they can display links/loading bars) Example video below shows new settings UI, downloading youtube tracks, and the new infobars with bold text, links, and loading bars
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Seventh milestone Added UI for conversion results where you can see success, warning, etc and core functionality for downloading tracks (no ui yet). Added ffmpeg to convert between different file formats. Finished and polished track metadata matching for all sources. Migration to a new metadata library due to buggy behavior and file locking with previous one. Video below shows converting a mix of deezer, spotify, youtube tracks to qobuz with varying results.
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sixth milestone Added conversion between all sources and added youtube/youtube music as a source. Also, every source now has an advanced search (filter tracks by title, artist, album). Many other UI improvements, such as adding colors to source badges, making it easier to identify and watch for changes during conversion. Preview video below shows advanced search on album and conversion of qobuz and spotify tracks to deezer. Any other conversion possibilities are supported.
Fifth milestone, added a settings page for entering tokens/credentials and integrated other online sources in the search. Search page uses settings cards/expanders that match native windows 11 applications. Now, links/searches/advanced search from spotify, deezer, qobuz are supported. Cover art, metadata, and song previews are supported for each source. Next, will work on converting tracks between these sources. Also other general UI improvements, such as resizing the preview, source badges, etc.
Fourth milestone, added a local explorer page. This page allows for the uploading of local files, either by scanning a folder or manual selection. The local files may then be played and inspected, have their metadata edited, and added to the queue. Many new wildcards supported in queue's command line running to support local files (file path, extension, filename, audio codec, etc) Example usage could be running ffmpeg commands on queue items
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Third milestone, run custom command line tools (eg. ffmpeg) on queue items with wildcards. Wildcards could include source links/paths, track names, etc (will add more soon). Queue has pause and continue functionality, a progress bar, and saves latest commands/directories. Also made other general UI improvements since last post, such as info bars (pop-ups) and notifications.
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Second milestone, spotify playlist parsing and lookup on other platforms (deezer and youtube for now). Attempts to match equivalent songs between platforms and uses youtube as a backup since it tends to have the most options. Match is performed with fuzzy comparisons between titles, album, artists, with cleanup/pruning to improve results.
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My goal is to create a music metadata lookup/fixer and music downloader desktop app with native looking, fluent UI design. First milestone: the search page is currently working and uses the deezer api to search for songs and retrieve their metadata. There are options to sort the queries, open a preview pane with larger cover art, more metadata details, and listen to a 30 second song preview.