I'm still continuing to work on my cooking game. Today I worked on fixing some issues with dragging things using the mouse, and hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to start working on the toppings station.
I'm still working on the toaster section of my cooking game. I'm having some trouble with the player moving the bread, but I have been able to add more player interaction with the toaster lever.
I'm continuing to work on the toaster section of my diner-themed cooking game. Today I mostly added the progress bar and the different levels of toasted-ness.
Continued working on the toaster section of my cooking game, there have been some issues with moving the pieces of bread but I'm definitely getting closer.
Today I continued working on my pygame cooking game, I am now trying to get the toaster section working so that the player can drag the bread into the toaster.
Working on a pygame cooking game, today I designed the randomized order mechanism so the player has a variety of orders to make.