
Posts tagged with :shirt:

Today I start my scrapbook. I'm starting off with a bang because today me and my robotics team just finished building our prototype t-shirt cannon :)
shipitparrot emoji
📜 Writing Ship clanking against the harbor! 📜
shipitparrot emoji
In a stroke of memory, and a fit of hyperfocus, I present to you: The Ultimate Guide to Printing Custom T-Shirts, a 713-word article written by yours truly. With over 5 years of experience under my belt, and the rise of hackathons, and thus hackathon t-shirts, I felt it was a good time to summarize my T-Shirt knowledge. It touches on printing methods, fabric quality, and pricing. Give it a read today at place.reeseric.ci/writings/2023-04-19 !
In-person hackathons + unlimited mlh swag 🤯
Designed a hack club image that could totally fit as an tropical themed hack club shirt