

0-day streak
#100-days-in-public Day 4- Today I figured out how to get Google Maps running in my app, now the app tracks the location and displays it in writing and on a live update map. Then it is pushed to my database and others with permissions in the app can view this location :D
#100-days-in-public Day 3- Today I attended the orientation or finalists in Ready, Set, App. We then began working on timelines and our plans for our app within the upcoming weeks.
#100-days-in-public Day 2 Today I finished coding the GPS tracker in my app. Now the address constantly updates with the location of the current user. Next up I need to connect this to the back-end, so specific other users can see the location, and make the location appear on a map that users can interact with. :p
It's possible that I failed 100 days in public on day one so, so we're gonna try this again lmao (I hope that's allowed) #100-days-in-public Day 1 Today and I'm with my robotics team competing at states. Yesterday there was 55 qualifying matches, and currently my team is ranked 5th in the tournament :D. Today we are finishing up qualifying matches and then finals.
first emoji
#100-days-in-public Day 1- Today I was notified that my Ready Set App team made it into the finals, so I plan on spending the next 3 weeks adding features to it and making it better. Currently working on integrating GPS and Google Maps into it. We are team Bus Buddies if anyone is following the hackathon. Here is the link to our Devpost submission if you want to check out my team's project.