

What if your club could collaborate with other clubs? What if you could connect with another club for a mini-hackathon or even make new friends while traveling and discovering a Hack Club in another city? The Club Directory unlocks the power of cross-club collaboration, allowing clubs to transcend boundaries and create together. If this interests you, join #clubs-directory @Arpan had this vision and shared it with me, and we decided to make it a reality. We've been working on the tool for about a week (maybe two). I'll catch you up on what we've done in the following screenshots: Screenshot 1: Arpan and I collaborated on a call to create the general user flow for the Club Directory. Screenshot 2: Arpan and I split ways, and he began focusing on the backend while I focused on the frontend. See the UI prototype I created attached. Screenshot 3: We realized we were a bit out of scope, so we narrowed the scope for our MVP so we can ship ASAP and work more closely with the community. Screenshot 4: I'm coding the frontend MVP in NextJS while Arpan builds the backend in FastAPI. p.s. currently I am working on multiselect & making that experience awesome & next I'll focus on responsiveness & map view also privacy is a big concern and we're currently trying to work through how we can allow clubs to opt-in (or maybe opt-out) of the Club Directory) all data shared here is fake club data, dw we're not revealing real data in this post the old internal name was Club Network and the new name is Club Directory